Krista & Louis

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Drumming your fingers at the table, sitting at a stool chair and resting your chinny chin chins at your other hand. You are alone at the canteen table. You have a huge crush on the school hearthrob named Louis Tomlinson. You can see him from your table he's like 2 tables away from you. He's with Zayn, Liam, Harry and Niall, his four best mates. You can hear them lauging and talking about stuffs when suddenly you felt that they were talking about you because they're looking and smirking at you. You want to be friends with them but you're scared but you tried and walk towards them and they are looking at you, smiling. "Hi, I'm Krista, Krista Cha---" Someone cuts you by pouring water on the top your hair. You are so embarrassed that you really want to cry. It's Jane Louis' present girlfriend. The lads stood up and looked at you worringly. "It's-- it's okay.." You stuttered as you parted your soaking wet hair. "Don't you try to steal my boyfriend.. Louis your mine right babe? i love you!" Jane exclaimed and sat at Louis' laps while you turned around and is about to walk when you unexpectedly heard "Not now. Bitch" Louis exclaimed and you looked around again. Everyone was shocked and Louis came running towards you. You don't know what to do. He cupped his hands at your cheeks and powerfully pushed his lips at yours.You don't what to do but you ended up kissing back. Butterflies played inside your tummy and your cheekd heated up.

"Nice move Louis" The boys chorused and he smiled while kissing you. He slowly pulled off and suddenly Jane slapped Louis. He caress his cheeks and Jane shouted "I HATE YOU!" Then ran away. You stared into his ocean blue eyes and it sends shiver down your spine. "From the moment I saw you I know you are the one" He whispered. You giggled and wrapped your arms around his sexy toned body. Everyone cheered and aww'ed at you two. You never expected this was coming.


Sorry if I posted this late but hope you like it. And sorry also for the errors love lots ❤❤

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