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"Vision, that's enough. Let him go" Wanda walked in front of the android with a ball of energy between her hands. "We're leaving". "I can't let you". He said. His body demolished as the mind stone turned red. "I'm sorry". Lexi's veins turned yellow and moved towards her hands. "I can't control their fear, only my own" Wanda threw the ball at him and send him floors down. The yellow energy reached her fingers and started to create a ball. "Come on. We got one more stop".

"Wanda". "Shit" Wanda ran over the brunette and surrounded the yellow energy with her own. "It keeps growing". She said scared. "Do you trust me?" Lexi nodded. "You'll be fine" She smiled. Wanda moved her hands towards Lexi's temples and let the magic get inside her head until red was everything the brunette could think about. 

Scarlet actually. 


"ангел... ангел, it's time to wake up" Lexi opened her eyes slowly. Wanda was covering the sun from her face and giving her a small shadow. "Hi" She smiled. "How do you feel?". "I'm okay". "Good" She held her smile and pulled Lexi's hair out of her face, making the brunette under her blush. "You scared me there for a second". "I'm sorry". "It's alright. Come on, we need to go". She said. 

Clint was shaking hands with Steve and talking about having other choices. "You good?". "All good".  Wanda held the brunette's waist even tho both knew that Lexi didn't really need it, but neither of them said anything about it because they both enjoyed it. 

"Thanks for having my back". Steve said towards them. "It was time to get off our asses," She said looking at Clint. "How about our other recruit?". "What's up with the car?" Lexi asked Sam. "I get being on the run but you didn't have to go vintage" She chuckled as he pointed at Steve. "Woah, Captain America". "Mr. Lang". "I'm shaking your hand too long aren't I. This is awesome. Captain America". He turned to the girls. "I know you, too. You guys are great". 

Both of them smiled at him. "Thanks for picking me. Hey man". "Tic Tac". "What happened last time it was-". "It was a great audition, but it will never happen again" Lexi jerked her head confused but amused at the situation. She could feel it, he was nervous. "They tell you what we are up against?". "Something about psycho assassins". "We are outside the law on this one, so this will make you a wanted man".

"Yeah, What else is new". Lexi kept her gaze at Falcon as she heard his thoughts. "Does she know? Can she know?" He thought. "We should get moving" Said Bucky. Lexi suddenly caught him. "Wasn't he...?.". "Yes". "So he's good now?". "I think so... Otherwise, Cap would not be with him". "He's his best friend. He would do anything for him". 

A siren interrupted their mental conversation. The sound blasted through the building speaking in German. "They are evacuating the airport". "Stark". "Suit up". Lexi looked at Sam with a smile. " Wanda! Your no girlfriend is freaking me out!" He yelled. "Come on Lex" Lexi kept smiling and tried to hide the excitement of the butterflies in her stomach at the thought of being Wanda's girlfriend. She pulled her arm and talked to her bracelet. "Friday look for any records of Sam fighting at the compound. Possibly when no other Avenger was around". "On it". "I hate Starks". 

Lexi chuckled and allowed the twin to pull her into the van. She sat down on one of the chairs as Wanda started to change to her suit. Clint handled her suit but she didn't put it on. "I don't think I should be fighting. I could hurt somebody". "You're not going to". "How do you know that?". "You won't allow it" She smiled putting her hands on top of the brunette's hands. "And I'll be watching over you. I won't let anything happen. I promise". Lexi nodded and put the suit on.

"I'm not complaining but I don't think a corset it's the best to use in a battle" Lexi chuckled. Wanda rolled her eyes with a smile. Once they were ready they left the parking lot and ran into positions. 

"Is something happening?". Clint asked. "They're just talking... There's a car now... Nat's out... And a boy shooting webs". Lexi said confused as she saw Spiderman taking Steve's shield. "What?" Wanda stood up and turned around to look at the Avengers talking. "I think is the boy that's been going on around YouTube lately". "I can't hear anything". Clint said stepping out next to the younger girls. 

"Friday, amplify their conversation". "Right away Miss Stark". "And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint... Rescuing Wanda AND MY DAUGHTER from a place they don't even want to leave, a safe place," Tony said and Lexi rolled her eyes. "I'm trying to keep... I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart".

"You did that when you signed ". "All right, we're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, You're gonna give me my daughter back, you're gonna come with us now because it's us... Or a squad of J-SOC guys. With no compunction about being impolite... Come on.". "We found it. Their Quinjet's in hangar five, north runaway". Sam said through the coms. 

"That's it. Friday, mute." Clint prepared his bow and shoot the arrow when Steve put his hands up."Alright, Lang". "Well, he didn't have to hurt the kid!" Lexi laughed when Scoot hit Peter. "I believe this is yours, Captain America". "He loved to say that". "Yes, he did".

"Look, I really don't wanna hurt you". "Oh Scott, I won't worry about her" Lexi said to him. "Let's go". The three adults left their hiding spot and ran through the airport. They ducked as Tony throw missiles to stop them. Wanda tripped and fell on top of Lexi.  

"Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings". Tony said. "You locked us in our rooms" She stood up and looked at him with a desire to kill him."Okay, first that's an exaggeration. Second, I did it to protect both of you". Wanda jerked her head not believing him.

"Oh, Dad you weren't protecting us". "How could you think I don't want to protect you!?" He yelled before signing. "Hey, Clint". "Hey, man". "Clearly, retirement doesn't suit you. You got tired of shooting golf?". "Well, I played 18, shot 18. Just can't seem to miss". "You got this" Wanda said. Lexi sighed and slowly nodded. Clint threw the arrow at Tony, who moved aside and destroyed. 

"First time for everything". Clint smiled. "Made you look". Lexi took a deep breath and concentrated on the power she can control. Her hands got surrounded with purple strands and Lexi started to pull cars out of the building. Tony shot at some cars but Lexi was pulling so many it was almost impossible for Tony to get them all. He got crushed by two cars before Lexi stopped. 

"Sorry!. I love you!". She yelled as they started to run. "I love you too". Tony said in pain. "Oh, man. I thought it was a water truck" Lexi turned to look at Ant-Man, who received a serious face from Steve. "Uh, sorry". "There's our ride". Clint said as they ran through boxes and plains. Steve ran in front of them and the rest of the team didn't take long to follow.

"Come on!". A yellow blast stopped the team as it made a line in front of them. "Captain Rogers" Vision said. "I know you believe what you're doing is right" Vision lowered himself as his team walked towards him. "But for the collective good, you must surrender now". "What do we do, Cap?". Sam asked. "We fight".

"This is gonna end well," Nat said. "Wanna take Vision?"  Wanda asked. "Not at all. I'll go for the spider boy. Shouldn't have to use a lot to take him," She answered as the team run towards the other team. "They're not stopping," Peter said. "Neither are we".

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