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"The real power is inside the cradle," Cho said through the communicator "The gem. Its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to deactivate the cradle". "First, I have to find it. Did you guys copy that?." Steve asked.

" We did". "I got a private jet taking off across town," Nat said. "No manifest. That could be him". "There. It's a truck from the lab. Right above your cap. On the top of the bridge". "It's them". "You got three with the cradle. One in the cab. I could take out the driver."

"Negative" Steve said. "If the truck crashes the gem could level the city". Lexi said. "Didn't your powers came from that gem?" Clint asked. "Yeah. That doesn't mean that I can control it if it explodes" She replied. "We need to draw out Ultron" Steve kept silent for a few minutes before taking again. "Well, he's definitely unhappy. I'm gonna try and keep him that way".

"You're not a match for him, Cap," Clint said. Lexi needed to know if the guy that almost killed her was the one Natasha talked so much about. She needed to ask. "Hey Nat, what's his name?". She asked, invading her mind. "He's Clint" She responded. "Clint? As in The Clint?" Natasha nodded "He's not that good-looking."

Nat and Lexi giggled, gaining Clint's attention and confusion. "We good a window," He said. Nat stood up and ran to the back" Four, three...". "Stark, you're coming with me" She ordered. Lexi stood up and walked towards her and got on the bike.

"Give him hell," Clint said. He pressed a button and the floor beneath the girls. The bike landed on the floor and Natasha took control of it, professionally passing between the cars. "I'm always picking after you boys". She said before moving the bike and picking the shield. She put it in front of the bike as soon as she stabilized it again.

"They're heading under the overpass. I've got no shot.". "Which way?". "Hard right... Now". Nat listened to Clint and took the right. Minutes later the two girls were beside the truck. Nat threw the shield at Steve, who used it to push Ultron away from him.

"Go now" Nat ordered. Lexi put her hands on Nat's shoulders before squatting on the bike's chair. Ultron shot at Steve who using the shield redirect the beam to the floor. Natasha was forced to stop abruptly, which gave Lexi the opportunity to jump and land on the truck. She arrived just in time to take Ultron off Steve.

"About time," He said taking in breaths. "Good old Captain America can't take a teeny tiny robot?" She smiled. Steve shook his head smiling and accepted Lexi's hand to stand up. Ultron came back from the hit he received from Lexi. The brunette lifted Ultron and threw him towards Steve. He used the shield to hit Ultron, but the robot made him fall with him.

"I'm going in" Said Nat. "Cap, can you keep him occupied?". "What do you think I've been doing?". Lexi held to the end of the truck and threw herself inside the moving vehicle to help Nat. She moved to the back of the cradle and checked the system ready to deactivate it.

"I can't do it in here". She said to the ginger woman. "We need to get this to my dad". "Do it" Steve said. An abrupt movement on the truck made Lexi lose her stability and she fall on top of a car as the back of the truck elevated towards the sky.

"Shit" The brunette cursed as pain ran through her body. "Okay, package is airborne. I have a clean shot". "Negative. I am still in the truck". "What the hell are you-". "Just be ready. I'm sending the package to you". "How do you want me to take it?".

"I have a feeling you might wish you hadn't asked that" Lexi stepped out of the car's window. She started to walk away from the highway, trying to reach Cap. She had a bare sight of blue, white and red as the train passed by. She took a deep breath and ran towards the train.

She crashed throw a window. She stood up from the floor and ran through the wagons until she reached the first one, where Steve was. Lexi turned around as she saw a hit of blue blur passing next to her. The metal man was hit by it and seconds later was stopped by two bars that blocked his way.

"Please, don't do this," He asked turning around to look at Wanda with a sad, pleading look. " What choice do we have?". She asked. Ultron grimaced and raised his hand. Pietro sped to cover and Steve jumped out of the way taking Lexi with him. The robot blasted a hole through the train and flew away.

Letting go of the brunette's waist, Steve moved between the seats to reach the front of the train to check the driver. He looked up after discovering the dead man and yelled through the coms. "You have the package, go!.. Go!" He yelled. He turned around, looking at the young adults. "There are civilians in our paths". Pietro nodded and speed off. "Can you stop this thing?".

Lexi looked through the window as Wanda started to use her magic to stop the train. Pain ran through Lexi, taking her out of her thoughts. The Sokovian woman was having difficulties stopping the vehicle. Lexi pulled her hands up and let the magic flow to help the girl.

People ran outside the train as soon as it stopped. Steve let his hands dropped and leaned against one of the seats to catch his breath. Wanda stopped her magic and threw herself towards the brunette. Lexi put her hands on top of Wanda's, as the girl hugged her from behind.

Wanda let go of her as fast as she hugged her, running out of the train towards her brother. Lexi and Steve shared a look before slowly following the European. "Just give me a second". "He asked between breaths. "I'm tempted not you give you one". Steve said as they reached the twins.

"The cradle. Did you get it?" She asked looking away from her brother. "Stark will take care of it" Steve assured her. Wanda shook her head sighing. "No. He won't". "You don't know what you're talking about. Stark's not crazy". He said.

"He will do anything to make things right". She said one more time. Steve looked at Lexi who avoided his look before putting his hand on his ear. "Stark. Stark, come in... Stark... Anyone on coms?".

"Ultron doesn't know the difference between saving the world and destroying it". Steve looked at Wanda when she talked. "Where do you think he gets that?" She asked him honestly. Steve sighed and looked down. "You two are coming with us". He ordered. Wanda held Pietro's hand in hers and the three of them followed Cap.

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