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Lexi was at the dinner table putting screws in a small plate before taking the radio apart to fix it. Wanda was cleaning the kitchen of the house she used to live in with Pietro before Hydra, and Pietro was out of the house. "Lexi... Lexi!" The brunette looked up at the girl that was calling her. "What are you thinking? You've been too quiet" She said.

"Just trying to fix this" She replied coming back to the device. "You could fix that in less than five minutes. Still, you have been staring at it for more than an hour" Wanda explained drying her hands and walking towards her. "What's bothering you?".

"Do you think we'll ever get to live a normal life again?" She asked staring at the device as her mind wondered. Wanda softly chuckled as she sat next to her. "If any of us has a chance to get a normal life we should definitely take it. Why?". "Because I've been thinking... We're not normal. Maybe that's why we survived the experiments of Strucker. And if that is, we are never going to have a life. We're not gonna fall in love or get married or have kids" She explained, moving her head towards Wanda. "We're always gonna be experiments".

Wanda shook her head and opened her mouth to deny it, but Pietro interrupted her as he entered the place. Lexi went back to fix the radio as Wanda looked at his brother. "What's in the bag?" She asked softly. "Food". He left the bags on the table and took two flowers out. He handled one to his sister and one to his best friend.

"Did you stole it?" She asked putting the floor on a small cup with water. He shook his head ignoring her gaze. "Pietro, I told you to not steal! How many times do I have to ask you!?" He looked at her. "You could die!". "What's the use for super-speed then?" he sighed when Wanda didn't laugh. "It's just food, okay?. We need to eat. We can't eat if we don't have food".

She sighed upset and took the bags of food. He softly hit Lexi's shoulder to make the girl look at him. The brunette stood up and walked to the door. "What are you doing?" Wanda asked as her eyes glow red. "Going for a walk," She said leaving the place.

"Still can't read her?". "She's like a close book to me" Wanda sighed. "I don't understand why". "We'll figure it out," He said before walking out and catching Lexi. "All good?" She nodded. "Lex?" She looked away and sighed before looking at him again. "Just zoning out" She smiled.

He took the girl in his arms and speed over the fountain of the city. Without warning, he threw the girl inside. "I'm gonna kill you!" She screamed as she pushed herself out of the water. Pietro laughed uncontrollably as Lexi took his jacket and pushed him inside with her.

They were laughing and shaking the way back home. Wanda screamed at them once she saw her wet family. Lexi changed as Wanda screamed in Sokovian at her brother. They eat dinner in silence before going to bed. The place was not big enough for the three of them to have different rooms, but they each had their own bed.

Pietro stood up most of the night due to nightmares. He didn't wake his sister up, or his best friend. He stood in silence watching at the small picture he always had with him, as he watched over the girl's dreams in case they had nightmares.

Lexi sat down in bed scared as the memory of Hydra played in her head. Pietro did not waste time and laid with her, cuddling with her and softly singing a sokovian lullaby to make her sleep.


Lexi opened her eyes to a white room. She sat around confused as her last memory was being in the jet. She slowly sat down on the bed looking around the room. A sharp pain hit her leg as she put her foot on the floor. She took the crutches that were against the wall beside the bed and stood up, lifting her cast leg.

She slowly walked to the window and moved the curtains away. The patio was wet and water drops were on the glass. She left the window and walked to the door of the room using the crutches. She opened the door and walked through the empty hall.

At the end of the hall, she found the living room and the kitchen where most of the Avengers were. "It's good to see you up" Lexi look at Nat as the red-headed smiled at her. "Thanks, Nat". The Avengers stopped talking and looked at the new person. Tony stood up and walked, almost ran to her.

He hugged the girl ignoring the discomfort of the crutches. "You said you were gonna be careful!" He scolded her as he broke the hug. "I'm sorry". "It's alright". Tony hugged her one more time and kissed her head. "Broken?" Her father nodded letting her go.

She was suddenly hugged by her father's girlfriend and substitute mother. "Oh my god" She tried to exclaim, but her voice left her throat. Pepper broke the hug and planted thousands of kisses on her stepdaughter's forehead. "Look at you, you're beautiful" She smiled.

Lexi gave her a small smile as she hugged her. Pepper corresponded to the hug as she rubbed her back. After the last kiss, Pepper left the brunette and turned to her father. Pepper was known as the only woman who could deal with Stark. And the only one that he was afraid of. The Avengers knew Pepper as a calm woman, but they knew she had her temper.

Which allowed Pepper to hit Tony with everything she could find and scream at him. "Little bean". Lexi turned around and saw Happy smiling at her with tears in his eyes. "Happy!" She exclaimed with a small smile. He walked towards her and hugged her tightly. "I've missed you so much". "I've missed you too".

Tony took Steve's shield out of his suit and covered himself as Pepper threw him objects. The Avengers in the room laughed at the scene that played in front of them. Lexi looked around the room for the older girl as she held herself with the crunches. She left her father fighting the blonde and walked outside the room as fast as she could.

She walked towards Wanda's room, where the girl was staring at the TV and hugged a pillow. Lexi knocked on the door trying to catch the brunette's attention. "Wanda?" She walked inside the room as a sitcom played on the back. Wanda turned her head to look at the girl. Her eyes were puffy and red, just like her cheeks. "Would talk about it give you comfort?".

"What makes you think that talking about it would bring me comfort?". "I don't-". "The only thing that would bring me comfort is seeing him again." She interrupted. "Sorry. I'm... I'm so tired. It's... It's just like this wave washing over me, again and again. It knocks me down, and when I try to stand up, it just comes for me again. And I... It's just gonna drown me".

"No, it won't" She replied softly. "Yeah. How do you know?" Wanda chuckled sadly. "Because... because it can't all be sorrow, can it?. I can't tell you that I know how you feel... Because it's impossible for me. Losing my best friend it's not the same as losing a brother let alone a twin. But I remember being told once... what is grief, if not love persevering?" Wanda kept silent, but her hand moved to take Lexi's, intertwining their fingers. "I'm so sorry, Wands". "You have nothing to be sorry about" Wanda whispered back.

"But I do... It was my fault" She whispered as tears filled her eyes. "Lexi, it wasn't-". "It was" She interrupted. "I could have stopped him... He was right beside me, and I let him go. I tried to catch him, but when I got there it was too late" She whispered as the tears rolled down.

Wanda moved her arm and hugged the girl. Lexi hugged her waist and cried on her shoulder whispering apologies repeatedly. Wanda stood up and put the crunches against the wall. She took Lexi's hand and made her lie on the bed. She laid beside her and put a blanket on top of them as the door glowed red, and it closed. 

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