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Lexi opened her eyes to Wanda's back. The room was dark and silent. She was only able to hear Wanda's and her breath. Slowly she turned around to lie on her back and looked at the roof.

"Friday" She whispered. "What time is it?" Friday didn't talk back. Instead, it showed her the time on the ceiling. 5:54 am. She signed and rubbed her eyes. She sat down on the bed and stood up. She didn't take the crutches. Instead, she created small circles of energy in her hands and walked towards the bathroom trying to be as silent as possible.

She closed the door and sighed once more keeping herself up with the counter. She opened the faucet and washed her face. She closed it and stared at her reflection. Her eyes were puffy and red, just like her nose and a messy bun on her head.

With nothing to do she opened the door and walked towards the bed. She was using her powers one more time to get there. Even if that meant she had to walk slower. Once she reached the bed she took the crutches from the wall and put them in position to turn around and walk to the door.

Wanda's breath became heavier, and that caught Lexi's attention. She turned around slowly to see Wanda turn around in the bed and look at the ceiling. Her hand moved to the side, feeling the bed. Once she didn't find who she was looking for she sat down on the bed.

"Where are you going?" Her voice was soft and her accent sounded heavier. "To my room" They were both speaking softly, almost whispering. "Why?". "Well, because... It's time, isn't it?. I've bothered you too much". "Why would you think you are bothering me?".

"How could I not?" She chuckled sarcastically. "Wanda, only yesterday I made You comfort Me about your bother's death. You're the one that should be comforted, not me". "Don't say that stupid thing. You also have a right to mourn him. He was your friend". "But his death to me is not the same as his death to you". Wanda sighed. "That's stupid, Lexi".

"Come on now. You know that I'm right. I'm even bothering you by just staying here and invading your privacy". "Where are you getting all these things from? You're not invading anything". "You should mou-". "I am mourning him" She interrupted. "But I don't want to be alone... And the only company that I can enjoy it's yours. So could you please, come back to bed?".

Lexi looked at her sadly and slowly walked to the bed. She put the crutchesaway and sat on the bed. "What are you thinking?" Wanda asked. Lexi turned around and looked at her confused. "What?". "You're thinking something. I wanna know what".

"Nothing special," She said pulling her legs up and pulling the blankets on top. "Just... Everything that happened". They both kept quiet. "Why... Why did he run?" Wanda asked. "They told me he was on the jet... Why did he leave?".

"To be a hero" Lexi remembered. "He was with me before the... Gunshots started. When they did he... He left the jet because Clint was not going to be fast enough to get out of that one". "But why? He hated Clint. I know that he would have never let him die but Clint's just not enough" Lexi sighed. "The kid" Wanda looked at her confused. "What kid?".

"Costel. Clint went for him and on the way back the gunshots were going to kill him, so Pietro ran to protect the kid". "He's an idiot" Wanda whispered. "That kid reminded him of his younger self" Wanda looked at her. "He told me that once. He said that that was one of the reasons why he was so interested in Zrinka".

"He was never interested in her," Wanda said. "Not in a romantic way... But he wanted to make sure that Costel had everything he could to have a good childhood. He couldn't let him die". Wanda looked from the brunette to the wall in front of her. "Do you know?... Who he was interested in?". "He wouldn't tell me... Every time I asked him he would only say I had to ask you". "Why? He knew I sent you to ask him".

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