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"I'm gonna say this once," Steve said steeping inside the room. "How about nonce?". Tony replied. "Shut it down!" Cap yelled. "Nope. Not gonna happen". "You don't know what you're dealing with". "And you do?". Banner asked. "She's not in your head?". He asked pointing at Wanda.

"I know you're angry" Wanda started. "Oh, we're way past that" He interrupted her. "I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade" He warned. "Banner after everything that's happened-". "Is nothing compared to what's coming!" Stark interrupted.

" You don't know what's in there!". Wanda yelled. "This isn't a game Stark!". Cap yelled over Wanda. A loud noise was heard as Pietro run around, unplugging everything from the cradle. Once he finished she stopped and dropped the last cord.

"No, no. Go on. You were saying?". He said before a gunshot broke the floor beneath him. "Pietro!" Both girls yelled. "What? You didn't see that coming?" Clint asked as the machines on the upper floor began to beep and whir.

"I'm rerouting the upload," Tony said turning to the screen. Steve threw his shield, causing it to bounce around, preventing anyone from doing anything. Iron Man's hand flew onto Tony's. Stark shot at Steve, knocking him down. Wanda prepared to hit him, but Bruce came up behind her and held her back.

Cap was about to fight Tony, but purple strands created a shield in front of him as well as in front of Tony. "Stop it," Lexi asked. "Stop acting like children". "Go ahead. Piss me off" Banner challenged Wanda. The Sokovian created a ball of energy and send it through her, hitting Bruce. Lexi let the shields down as Thor entered the room.

He jumped into the cradle and lifted his hammer. "Wait!" Bruce yelled. Lighting flew from the hammer and hit the cradle as the blonde directed it to it. Electricity ran through the cradle overloading it with power. The light decreased as the blonde grunted, standing up straight. A crack sounded and the cradle blew open, throwing all the adults to the floor.

A humanoid form floated up from the cradle and rested in a crouch on the edge. It slowly stood up, glancing around the room in confusion, and examining itself. It locked eyes with the man with the hammer and sprung forward.

Thor threw him out across the following room. The form flew towards the window but stopped right before breaking the glass. The man stood up as the captain jumped into the room with his shield. Thor held his hand up stopping everyone from doing anything. The figure examinated the world outside the window before turning to the adults.

"Their powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself, they all came from the mind stone. And nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side". Thor explained. "Is it?... Are you? On our side". Steve asked.

"I don't think it's that simple". He answered. "Well, it better get real simple real soon". Clint added. "I am on the side of life. Ultron isn't. He will end it all". He said as he wandered in front of the team.

"What's he waiting for?". Steve asked. "You". "Where?". "Sokovia. He's got Nat there too". Clint answered. Bruce walked up to Vision. "If we're wrong about you, if you're the monster Ultron made you to be-".

"What will you do?". Vision asked. "I do not wish to kill Ultron. He's unique, and he's in pain. But, that pain will roll over the earth, so he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net. We have to act now.

"Not one of us can do it without the others. Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are and not what you intended. So there may be no way to make you trust me" Vision picked up the hammer and handle it to him. "But we need to go".

The Avengers looked surprised at Vision as Thor took his hammer awkwardly as Vision walked away. Thor bounced the weapon before walking away. "Well, alright. Well done". We walked over to Tony. He patted his shoulder as he walked off.

"Three minutes," Steve said. "Get what you need". All the avengers broke off, trailing around the building to get what they needed. Lexi walked to her father with her arms crossed and a serious look.

"Dad, when are you going to learn?" She asked. "First Ultron, now Vision". "It's a good plan," He said. "It is. But the way you are doing it... it's just incorrect" She sighed and walked away.

She entered the room where the twins were. Wanda was looking out of the window and Pietro was taking a shirt and new shoes. She opened one of the wardrobes and took a black leather jacket out of it.

"Put it on," Pietro said. "This isn't mine". "So?". Wanda rolled her eyes and put her shawl aside. She put the jacket on and walked towards Lexi. The brunette finished braiding certain parts of her hair. "Lexi?" The girl didn't answer. Instead, she took some bots out of the closet and changed her shoes. "I'm sorry, okay?. When Strucker made me do that we just had to figure out you were a Stark, and I thought that you deserved it for your last name. But then we become friends and I forgot about it".

"You can't forget a thing like that" She murmured. "I'm sorry. Please, please, please! Can you forgive me!?" Lexi stood up once she finished to tied her shoes and turned around to look at her. "I'm sorry. Can we please be friends again? Please" She put her hands together and made the puppy eyes.

Lexi looked at her with a serious loo before a smile crashed into her lips. Wanda smiled and jumped like a little girl before hugging the younger one. Lexi giggled and hugged her back.

Pietro walked up to them and hugged the two, squeezing them. Both girls chuckled and complained about breathing. Pietro let them go and the three of them walked away from the room they were at, being once again a team.

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