chapter 11

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-𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕕 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕡𝕠𝕧

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-𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕕 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕡𝕠𝕧

  After oikawa and mattsun arrived at makki's house for the sleep over that's when the party started and all chaos had broke loose.

Everyone was in makki's room on there phones and lying on top of each other in pairs like if they were all dogs cuddling until makki had an idea and jumped off all 3 boys he was laying on and started to yell.

  "GUYS LETS GO DOWNSTAIRS AND WE CAN EAT FOOD AND PLAY MUSIC AND CAUSE HAVOC ON THIS HOUSE!!" he yelled and flailed his arms around while explaining his idea to the other boys.

  They all looked at each other and thought about it for a second and agreed to his idea and followed him downstairs.

  "Okay so ill order a pizza and one of you connect your phone to the bluetooth speaker and blast some shit but if its ass im killing you and im taking away all your music privileges away forever." makki says in a very stern tone then grabes his phone and orders the food while the other decide who plays the music.

  After makki got off the phone they decided to let oikawa take over the music while makki and mattsun went to the kitchen to get all the snacks onto the counter so they could all snack while they party.

  As music started to take over the whole house all the boys started to dance and scream the lyrics to all there favorite songs, the pizza had arrived and they calmed down for a bit until they were done eating and then decided for another fun party activity till it was time before bed.

  "Hey guys so i was thinking we could clean this mess up and get into pajamas and watch movies in makki's room till we fall asleep." said iwa to all the boys in the living room.

  "Okay i actually love that idea!" said makki and the other two boys agreed so they all got up and started to clean up very fast they they had more time to watch movies together.

  After they finished they all grabbed there items that they had brought with them downstairs back to makki's room with them plus snacks to eat while they watched movies for the rest of the night.

  Soon after they cleaned up and grabbed everything they've needed they raced each other up the steps and all landed on makki's bed causing all of them to fall onto of each other leaving makki at the bottom of the pile getting squished by all his giant friends.

  "Guyssss get off of me, i cant breath and you all weigh a gazillion pounds! Now get off so we can change into our pajamas!!" he whined and all the boys hesitantly got of him so they could change.

  After they all changed they all climbed into makki's bed with matsukawa right by the wall, makki next to him, iwaizumi in the middle and all the way in the front near the edge of the bed lied oikawa.

  Once they were all situated they cuddled up with each other in pairs to keep each other warm and comfortable since there were so many people in the bed, and they had turned off the lights and started a disney movie marathon.

  After the movie started everyone had said there goodnights early just incase they fell asleep before the movie marathon ended.

  In the middle of the movie iwaizumi had noticed that makki kept slightly slipping away and falling asleep but every time he was almost fully asleep he jumped awake so he texted him something.

sexyarms: hey i can tell your super tired and keep getting startled every time you get close to falling asleep, if you cant sleep lay on me like usual and ill keep you safe okay cause i know you like to hear my heart beat when you sleep.

strawbereykoolaidheadass: yea it sucks, im fine for now and i dont wanna make oikawa uncomfortable with me laying on you.

sexyarms: he'll be fine and i don't care if he gets jealous cause your my bestfriend and keeping you safe and happy is my number one priority okay.

strawbereykoolaidheadass: yay ty! i guess ill take you up on that offer.

"Hey oikawa switch places with makki so he can lay on me, that's they only way he'll sleep is listening to my heart beat". said iwaizumi and they all switched there places around so makki would be able to sleep.

  As makki laid his head on iwaizumi's bare chest and lied on his lap listening to his heart beat soothing the smallest boy out of the group to sleep next to him was oikawa laying on mattsun in the same position also slowly falling asleep as well.

  As the two taller boys being laid one watches movies and talking all night the other small boys fell into a deep and comfortable slumber for the rest of the night.

(a/n- Hey guys! Heres a super late night chapter and i hope you guys enjoy<3)

-᥊ꪮ᥊ꪮ ᥴꫝꪖꪀꫀꪶ

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