Fun in the Sun (or not) Part 2

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Pinkie Pie's POV
I spent the night sulking in my room, which was very unlike me. I hated how the girls were ignoring me. I decided to ask out Cheese Sandwich. I messaged him.
🎈: Hi, Cheese Sandwich! Was wondering if you wanted to go to Six Flags with my tomorrow?
🧀: I'd love to! I'll pick you up around 8!
I grinned. At least that would be a day without having to worry about the girls. The next morning, I woke up at 7. I was so excited. Finally, a distraction from the girls, the break-up, and my enemy, Applejack. Or, as I would soon learn, not a distraction. Cheese Sandwich picked me up at 8:02. During the 10 minute drive, he asked me if I wanted to get ice cream from Dairy Queen. I agreed, and I got Superman with rainbow sprinkles, and he got Superman with chocolate sprinkles. When we arrived at Six Flags, I didn't notice Rarity's car next to us.

Spike's POV
I was the first to see Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich. I growled, and the girls looked at me confused. I nodded in the direction of her. Rainbow crossed her arms in front of her and muttered "Is she here with Cheese Sandwich? Well, hopefully she'll leave us ALONE." Fluttershy turned to Rarity and asked her to go on the Carrusel with her. Rainbow asked Applejack to go onto the Ferris Wheel with her, and Sunset and Twilight would go onto the new roller coaster. I went with Fluttershy.
Hey! Sorry for the short Spike's POV, but tomorrow you'll find out what happens on the Ferris Wheel with AJ/Dash! Please comment on what you think, stay safe, and have a great day!

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