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Pinkie Pie's POV
When I got to school, I saw the girls. I walked over, but when Rainbow noticed, she nudged Twilight. Twilight said "Hey girls, wanna go play a game of soccer before school starts? And since there a 5 of us, can I be the ref? I'm not a sports person." All of the girls agreed. "Hey, or we don't need a ref and I could play too!" I said, but they ignored me. They were obviously mad at me for leaving the hospital yesterday for Spitfire. She told me after the party planning that we had to break up. She said that she was actually after Dash the entire time. I saw the girls start playing.
I tried all day to get their attention, but they ignored me. At lunch, I went to go sit with them, but Rarity put her purse in my spot. I tried to sit in Applejack's spot, but Rainbow had put a soccer ball there.

Spike's POV
I was sitting on Fluttershy's lap, and I watched them ignore Pinkie. I ignored her too, the girls had told me what happened with her leaving for Spitfire. I whimpered. Fluttershy looked down at me and I whimpered "I miss Applejack. She would always bring me apple flavored treats." Rainbow whispered "I miss the Apple Cider she would make specially for us." She had tears in her eyes, and I felt my heart break. I jumped off Fluttershy's lap and onto Rainbow's. I licked the tears from her cheeks, and she stroked my head. I curled up and fell asleep, waking up when she picked me up. She carried me outside and sat down against the wall. The others sat with her. Rainbow had always pet me, but I liked how she seemed to want me with her. I curled up in her arms and fell asleep again.
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