What is WRONG with you?

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Sunset Shimmer's POV
Applejack was hooked up to a bunch of machines. She looked awful. I saw tears form in Dash's eyes. I hugged her gently, and we heard a phone buzz. It was Pinkie's. She picked up. "Oh, hi, Spitfire!..."Naw, I'm at the hospital with the girls. I can come over!... Alright, love you, bye!" I stared at her in shock. So did the others. "Excuse me, but one of your friends is in the hospital, and you decide to go off with Spitfire? What is WRONG with you?" Rainbow hissed, glaring at her. "Sorry, but Spitfire needs me! She wants to throw a party for the Wonderbolts, so she needs an ultimate party-planner! AKA, me!" She waltzed out of the room, and Twilight and I grabbed Rainbow's arms as she tried to chase her. "Let her go, Dashie." We heard a voice behind us. Applejack's eyes were open. Rainbow sprinted up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "How'd you feel, Applejack?" "Better." She replied. "Hey, girls, can I have a minute alone with Applejack?" Rainbow asked. Sharing glances, we all nodded.

Twilight Sparkle's POV
"Hey, girls, can I have a minute alone with Applejack?" Sharing glances, we all nodded. "Text me when you want me to pick you up, Darling." Rarity said with a smirk. "I can walk home. "Or, sleepover at my place?" Rarity asked with a smile. "Sure." We all left the hospital, and Rarity dropped us off at our own places. I lived alone other than Spike. I threw a pair of PJ's, a skirt, and a t-shirt into my bag. I grabbed my sleeping bag, and grabbed some wine. Sleepovers at Rarity's usually turned into wine-tastings.
Hey! Thanks for the over 500 views! Sorry to get the chapter posted a bit late, but thanks for how supportive you guys have been! Stay safe and have a great day!

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