Researching Herbs

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I'm going to start out by saying that the Erins did VERY LITTLE research on plants. Many plants used in the books are actually toxic to cats and don't have any real healing properties.

Additionally, depending on where your Clan is, the native plants will be different. Keep that in mind while writing!

So, research. For my upcoming book, I have done an unfathomable amount of research on that region. Part of that research is dedicated to the medicinal plants that grow there. Here's what to type:

"Medicinal plants in (insert place; for example, Northern Alaska)."

Not so hard!

Take notes and keep a list. Then, google, "(insert herb) toxic to cats." Not all plants will have that information, though, on toxicity. With toxicity, some plants are only used externally. While a plant may be toxic for a cat to ingest, its healing properties may be external, and therefore safe to apply. However, the medicine cat would still be carrying it in his/her/their mouth, so that's problematic. Just don't swallow!

BUT those toxic herbs could come in handy, though. Remember death berries? Known for being deadly?

Write down toxic plants, too. Who knows; maybe it'll be used later on. Maybe someone will be poisoned! Research how the poisoning works and the symptoms cats will experience after consuming the plant.

I was going to create a list for you, but there are apparently 50 billion different herbs used in the canon series. Here's a link to that wiki page:

Basically, I just urge you to research your herbs! Google is your friend when writing a fan-fiction.


• What does it do?

• How do you use it?

• Is it toxic to cats?

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