Not Single and Not Here to Mingle

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It was a betrothal. That's what had started all of this.

A stupid business plan between two families.

"Will you marry me?" The enthusiastic proposal garnered the attention of every single person in the streets they were standing in. There were whispers, looks of disapproval as the boy waited for a response. Jane would have joined them, all of them in their open confusion and furrowed brows.

If it wasn't her being proposed to.

"Kit," she forced a smile to hide her embarrassment. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. This wasn't how she had planned it at all.

"She said yes!" He beamed, slipping the ring on her fourth finger. "I'm going to make you so happy." He smiled, embracing her in front of the gawking crowd. Of all the things to happen today. She hadn't seen this coming at all.

"600 crowns," she whispered under her breath as they continued smiling down the street.

"Too much," he replied in the same tone, waving to the onlookers as they boarded the carriage.

"Fine," she sighed, her grin dropping immediately once they were out of the public's eye. "300. That's all I ask."

"300 a year."


"Three moves." he told her, pacing back and forth in front of the fireplace with his eyes closed. The steps were memory, and the attacker was learning. "Until you're dead. Is that understood, Jane?"


"Make your move."

Her hands were quick, searching every pocket of his coat like a ghost. She knew he had little patience when it came to her futile attempts at matching his level of expertise. That was why she had to take advantage of his patience. In one fluid movement, she had him pinned to the floor and pulled out the crown hidden in his sleeve.


"Itu sahaja?"

"Apa lagi?" She replied, helping him up. "Aku dah menang."

"You've been practicing your Malay," he commented, straightening his tie and dusting off his sleeves. "Although you shouldn't be learning such informal words. Mama would hate it."

"Yes, but she's hardly ever around anymore." Jane smoothed down her skirts. "Emma helps me practice."

"Good." He swept her legs, letting her fall to the floor with a thud. "Practice more."


"No, 300 crowns a month," she repeated. She couldn't lose more than she gained. "You're the crown prince for god's sake. You don't have a single disappointment tied to you."

"Don't I?" he scoffed. "200 crowns, final offer." He stuck out his hand. The prince of Lyrell was... a proud man. But knows when he's defeated. That was the only reason Jane agreed to do business with such an influential man. And she needed the money.

"250." She offered her own hand, a self satisfied smirk on her lips once the prince shook it. "Pleasure doing business with you."

"Can't say the same my friend." He straightened his tie as the palace came into view. It was massive. Much more decorative than Keydon's plain stone walls. But no better. "You're the devil aren't you?"

"Some would say." She shrugged. "I do what is needed by my duchy. Your land, your ruling."

"But you don't have your own ruling."
"Not yet," she grinned at her friend. "I may need one more favour."


"Miss?" Emmeline knocked , dragging Jane out of an unplanned nap."You would tell me if anything were wrong, correct?"

"Hmm?" Jane slapped her cheeks, trying to focus on the maid's words. "I'm sorry, what are you talking about?"

"Well you're like family to me, miss. And you've already got so much planned for the duchy—"

"Emmeline, what's wrong?"

"The—" she cleared her throat, stepping sideways from the door. "Mr. James Reginald is here."

"Hello Jane," James walked in, looking around the room with a calculating eye. Jane had to admit the wallpaper in her study was at least a decade old, but it wasn't too bad. "Well go on." He turned to Emmeline as he lit a cigarette. "Make us some tea."

"We'll need a few moments alone. I'll ring for tea after we're done." She nodded in reassurance to Emmeline. "Mr. Reginald will have the chrysanthemum. He's a flowery sort of fellow." Jane smiled, watching the maid exit.

"A flowery sort of fellow." He chuckled, blowing smoke into the small space. " Is your boyfriend the same then?"

"What are you here for?" Jane sighed, gesturing for him to sit.

"Eight hundred crowns." James smiled, watching the duchess pinch the bridge of her nose "You have a very successful duchy and what I'm sure will be a glittering report. Can't you sneak a few crowns?"

"But 800." She flipped through her ledgers, going through how much she had to spare. "You just took your pay last week. The duchy is stable but it's still struggling."

"There's a new plan." He shrugged. "I need the money by Tuesday." He lifted a hand to silence Jane's protests. "I don't ask you questions about how you run things, Lady Jane. I only care that the crowns are on my desk by Tuesday."

"It's 800 crowns, Reginald. How am I supposed to get it within the week?"

"I don't know. You're duchess aren't you? Raise the taxes or something." He extinguished the cigarette on the edge of her papers. "I've come to collect, you have to deliver. You have power, use it."

"Miss," Emmeline poked her head through the door just as James stood. "Emma Sernine is here. Something about a fire."

"Not again." She groaned, cupping her face in her hands. "Get out Reginald," she said through the muffle of her hands. "I don't bloody care about your money. You can wait like everyone else." She looked up, rubbing her temples. "Just leave." The man looked a bit sorry for Jane, but left without another word. 'Bring Emma in. And the tea please. It's going to be a long day."

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