I actually won't mind going to my mother's today, there's food there now TwT

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Henry: Cool!~ //0w0//

Cuphead: ?? Valentino? Isn't that the dude that- Actually, i'd rather not describe him. Anyway, do you need to bring him to Joey's Studio?


Monty: ..! *He hugs Georgie back*


Chara: *She smiles a bit before skipping along with her*


Rae: *He takes in more, sucking and licking* 


Eddie: ...! Y-Yeah... Where does Mr. Davis live...?


Billy: Mr. Davis... N-No matter what you text them, my f-friends will know it's not me... W-We-

Mr. Davis: Billy... Do you.. Really think I'm that stupid? *He opens the door, pulling Billy out, holding his hands so that he can't fight back* I know they're coming on their way. You survived It after all... But no matter how much you tell the "Losers" what I am...? You're all hated by the other students. The other kids in this town will never believe you. And I'm the only adult in this town who's ever listened to you.

Billy: *His face darkens, knowing that he was right* S-So... I can save the L-Losers, but not anyone e-else, is what you're saying...

Mr. Davis: Yes, Billy. I'll come and get you and your friends someday though. I promise~ *He leads him out of the house* Now, be more careful about fighting with your friends!~ *He slips Billy's phone into his pocket, letting him go* I wouldn't want you getting hurt again!~

Billy: ... *He starts walking towards his house* <Mumbles: I h-hate this fucking town...> 

Mr. Davis: See you in school tomorrow, Bill! *He goes back inside* 


Double Dee: *He keeps nuzzling* 

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