Shhhhhhhh...I refuse to face reality right now UwU

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Will: =w= Joey can I keep him pleaseeeeeeee?

Joey: no yer' not keepin' ma' son =~=

Willl: T^T


Comic: Oh I have to g-get back t-too! 


Georgie: *he yeets his suitcase with him on it down the stairs, sliding down* ReAl LiFe S.S GeoRgiE!!- *he slams into the wall again, tumble rolling onto his stomach in front of Billy* S.S Georgie is downnn! 

Stanley: O.O


Penny: *he notices Rae, and thinks for a moment* {what kind of guy or gal would he like...?}


Lazari: Mhm.


Richie: *he pulls Eddie on top of him as he kisses him*

Damion: =~= you guys make me feel single.


Kevin: No I'm just not going today =~=

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