...dang ADD and ADHD does that too :D this is why we're attracted to each other

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Joey: *he chuckles* 'e wants ta'. Annnnn' there's gonna be some changes as well UwU.


Blitzo: Alrighty then.

Comic: *he looks away a bit, his ears flattening a bit out of sadness* {W-why do I feel k-kinda sad...? W-why would h-he be an d-different from others...?}


Felix: *he looks at teddy then Georgie* tsk. If you can manage to pay back Carla in the next minute or so I might consider it.

Carla: You mean the laser gun connected to the wheelchair that can be unscrewed with one measly screwdriver?~ 


Stanley: The last time Georgie did that his arm was bitten off and he was pulled into the sewers.


Lazari: Thank you!


Penny/Shawn: *he pushes into him*


Richie: Bill! I thought friends weren't supposed to keep secrets?! This is the biggest secret- no- lie you've ever kept!


Kevin: I dunno angry I guess.

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