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"Are you absolutely certain about this, Hime-sama?" whispered a knight draped in a white cloak as he discreetly followed a woman with flowing moss green hair, strolling along the castle walls. "Isn't it a bit excessive to not only allow a dark guild to participate in the games but also permit three immensely powerful wizards to compete? It seems like an overwhelming display of force."

"But doesn't it make the games all the more captivating?" responded Princess Hisui E. Fiore, the sole daughter of King Toma E. Fiore and the forthcoming queen of Fiore. Her voice carried a hint of excitement.

"Moreover, the palace wizards have carefully reviewed the magic limiters they presented. Everything has been thoroughly overseen."

"everything should go according to plan ."

@the arena

"Magic limiters? Does that mean they're incredibly powerful?!" someone exclaimed from the crowd.

"Are you really asking about that?!" retorted another voice. "You should be questioning the fairness of it all. Who knows if those limiters are genuine or just a ruse to ensure Fairy Tail's victory!"

"Yeah, maybe they're using them to intimidate their opponents," chimed in another person from the crowd. The whispers and shouts grew louder, causing Lucy's patience to wear thin.

"The magic limiters have been personally provided by the Magic Council and thoroughly examined by palace wizards," interjected Chapati Lola, attempting to restore order.

"We assure you that their participation will be fair and provide even more entertainment than previous years." Mentioning the involvement of the palace wizards and the council seemed to pacify the crowd somewhat.

They brushed off their concerns and resumed cheering for their respective teams.

whilst the commotion the pumpkin head guy, floted through the air and spoke , "now that i seem to have everyones attention once more, i would like to introduce you to our first game !!!!!" the whole arena fell silent everyones attention was on him .

multiple lacrima projections were all over the stadium and possibly even outside, "each team shall choose one player, for the game called hidden before i explain everything Minna-san have you chosen who shall play the game?"

just as planned, freed stepped up as the player for our team.

"for fairy tail team b we have, freed Justine

Quatro Cerberus JAGER,




FAIRYTAIL B shall be represented by gray fullbuster



Lucy realized that Freed was indeed playing extraordinarily well as the game went on. He appeared to have an advantage thanks to his previous expertise in the dragon realm, as he distinguished the true competitors from the imposters with ease while accruing points. He purposefully teleported to various spots with each respawn, making it challenging for others to anticipate his movements.

Gray, on the other hand, was up against a difficult obstacle because Null Pudding was constantly pursuing him. Gray finds it difficult to resist against Null Pudding's prepared attacks due to his impulsive temperament. Gray was stronger than before, but the targeted attack was making it difficult for him to overwhelm his opponent.

Throughout the magical town, other wizards were engaged in furious battle. While some had developed clever strategies to identify competitors from clones, others struggled to keep their positions in the game. As the seconds passed, the competition grew increasingly difficult. The mood was heated. The maze-like village was filled with mages teleporting and casting spells as they attempted to outmaneuver one another. Other players began to take notice of Null Pudding's persistent pursuit of Gray.

As they noticed that the rivalry between the two was personal, the game became even more tense. The atmosphere grew tense as the clock ticked down to zero. Mages were scrambling to improve their standing or fortify themselves against potential attacks.Everyone has been keeping an eye on what Rufus Lore has planned, but he is still without any points gathered as he stands at the very top of the tower.

I've memorized it all," he chuckled, "the flow of mana, the changes, and the colors." But rufus remained unmoved, answering with a sly grin. As rufus cast, Memory Make Freed began casting as well.

The use of rune magic and demon-slaying magic by Freed brought to a stunning display of power that was witnessed by all. He drew runes on the ground, and as he did so, a mystical light began to emanate from them and merge with the dark force of demon-slaying power. The two magics appeared to work in perfect harmony to generate a powerful and intimidating force.

As the clash of magic grew more intense, the surrounding field shook. As Freed demonstrated his newly acquired skills, spectators gasped in amazement. Freed became a powerful force due to the adaptability of rune magic and the efficacy of demon slaying magic. The heated battle of magic finally came to an end as the time ran out, and the dust finally settled. and each team's points will be displayed both inside and outside the arena.

Gray is at the very bottom of the lacrima with only two points, followed by null pudding with four, Jager on sixth with seven, Beth on fifth with ten, Eve Term on fourth with fifteen, Lyon on third with twenty, Rufus on second with twenty-six, and Freed on first with thirty.

"seriously? i dont even know why i trained him if things will end in such" lucy said as he looked at the score board seeing gray at the bottom.

"disappointed princess?" laxus whispered in her ear.

"hmm quite, but what can i expect?"

"now for the battles, the king has chosen one participant each team" chapatilola announced the image on the lacrima changed from the leader board to pictures of the players randomly appearing like a slot machine

"shall we, announce the first pair?" the pumpkin head guy stated.

"first up we haveeeee" the lacrima showed various images until it stopped on lucys photo and flare of raven tail "lucy heartfillia of fairy tail B and flare corona of raven tail"

@somewhere in crocus

"that line up is quite intentional wasn't it?"

"it is, did you do what i told you t do?"

"yes hime-sama"

"good, we need everything to be perfect" 

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