chapter 15

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I woke up the next morning because of the ruckus I heard from outside.

"It's early in the morning and you guys are so chaotic " I complained rubbing my eyes while yawning

"Well princess I hate to break it to you but it's already afternoon, it seems like you're Really tired yesterday " I glared at laxus because he's back to teasing again

"Dont start with me thunder butt, anyway what have you gathered yesterday "

"Master makarov is being monitored by the council, I visited him yesterday's and the guild doesn't look so good" mira said she looked really worried, its not a good thing that the guild is being monitored by the council that only means that there's something absolutely wrong or they caught wind of the missing members and trying to look for them

"I heard that the guild is also buried in debt to a certain guild around here, what guild was it? I forgot its name.." freed said sipping a cup of tea elegantly, sometimes I'm thinking that freed is not really what I think he is, he's more feminine than mira in some circumstances

"the number of missing members at the guild is increasing currently the only people there were, Wendy, gajeel,Juvia,lily, Natsu's team, and Macao" evergreen said which soon bixlow agreed into. This problem about the missing members i gotta settle this instantly.

"Oh yeah yesterday when I was waiting for them, I heard this thing about a certain type of game that could determine the ranking of the guilds " laxus said while munching into his bread

"Okay here's what we gotta do , mira i want you and evergreen to go meet the council ask them about why the guild is under surveillance, if its some type of problem settle it, if it can't be solved by normal means then solve it the dragons way " I ordered, they looked at me as if im crazy. Well ofcourse if they settle it the dragon way well be labeled by somewhat an enemy of the council but that doesn't matter the council can never win against dragons.

"Freed and bixlow find evidence or traces of the missing members i have a feeling that those missing members are in one place, I don't know if they're dead or not, i can summon loke or Virgo to accompany you what do you think " freed looked at me and smiled

"Nah all we need is a communication Lacrima, so if there are somethings that we needed help you can send anyone to our side " I nodded, if I want to i can ask my siblings for help especially karion she'll be a great help.

"Now then laxus and I will be going to the guild ill try to manage the council and find traces at the guild too.. also I'll handle the royalties " what I mean about that is the royal family in crocus itll be a good thing to install a teleportation gate in every continent and also a gate to the dragon realm to here, to do that I need to have a diplomat talk with the royal family here.

If the talk goes well I'll send delegations here from the dragon world, possibly grandeeney and ivy since they are the most rational dragon in the realm. If talks about the dragon realm goes well then the other realms will start to send delegations here too and we will establish a non-aggression pact to each other and create a harmonious place. But to do that I must eliminate anyone that would go against us.

"Soo what are we gonna do about that game ?" Laxus asked

"I'll ask master about that, who's currently at the top?" I asked there are a lot of guilds in this country

" I heard it was sabertooth, fairytail and sabertooth had always been competing" Sabertooth huh.

"Whats fairytail current rank?" I asked laxus looked like he wanted to burst out laughing but he is stopping himself

" none fairytail has been currently at the bottom from the past 7or 8 years " yep that's really a laughing matter considering that, that man's team is still present yet they are at the bottom pitiful.

"Anyway after breakfast let's start, let's meet up and discuss what we learned at dinner " I said and stood up to get ready since I'm done with my coffee.

"Hey blondie what about we bath together, it'll save water" laxus is back to teasing again now that the important matter had been taken care of. I glared at him

"Shut it sparky " I ignored his remarks and did what i should do.

After taking a bath I wore a greenish turtle neck top paired it with a tight legging and a cloak.
Once I was out laxus was waiting for me in the dining, hes wearing the same outfit as mine but with a different colour.

"You ready princess? " he asked I gave him a nod and we were ready to set off.

"Why don't you call your wind spirit or something?" He asked, he was referring to Janus He lend me the power of the wind while eris is the power of fire.
I closed my eyes and chanted the words that janus thought me on how I could borrow the power of the wind. It didn't take long for us to float in the air, I've practice my balance for such a long time amd I'm pretty agile when I'm in the air it could be pretty useful in a battle.
And laxus has been practising flight before we left so it's fine with him .

" let's go lead the way where the guild is, I doubt that its still in the same place "
He didn't bother to answer and just lead the way. It was up in some hill, the big guild i once saw was now small and rundown. Just how low did fairytail fell into ? I landed safely with laxus infront of the guild doors and slowly opened it Everyone's eyes were on us

"Laxus?" Erza said unsure of what she is seeing

"The one and only, sup ?" He said full of confidence like always" who's the girl?" She asked, why Is she so nosy?

"None of your business " I said and sat down into one of the chairs in the bar.

"Hey gimme one glass of beer " I said no more like ordered the violet haired mage , don't know what her name is.

"No don't just give her a strawberry milkshake, and you its too early to drink " laxus said and flicked my forehead.

"If .. if you're back then what about mira-nee?" I feel like my ears are gonna fall off on how this white haired lunatic sound.

" will you stop shoving you're oversized breast to me?" I wanted to laugh at what laxus said as he sat down beside me, this white haired bitch will really stick to anyone powerful won't she?.

"Where's Master?" He asked averting his eyes from the woman infront of him and looking at erza who seems to be interested in me

"In his office upstairs " she pointed, laxus nodded at her and when the violet haired woman or snake? I dunno but she smelled like a snake. When she placed my drink down laxus took it and walked towards where the stairs are.

"Drink this upstairs, we gotta see the old man" he said and walked up the stairs leaving me dumbfounded.

"Can you believe it? That's my drink you THUNDER BUTT!" I screamed on the top of my lungs, but before I run after that man I averted my attention to the violet haired woman.

"You .. Who are you? Why do you smell like a snake?" I asked

"Im kinanna .. and I don't know what you mean by I smelled like a snake "

"Well nice meeting you then " I shoved the white haired bitch away and run after laxus that thunder butt!,  his starting to be annoying.

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