Chapter 9 - The summer camp invasion

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"Now that we got information of where the students of 1-A are going, we can get a particular person from that class. Like Kachan, or should I say Bakugou. Man, long time since I said or even thought of his name. We need to get All Might to All for One, so he can end his life once and for all. This is payback time All Might, be prepared to lose." Izuku thought. "Kid, you're ready to get the student?" Dabi asked, I nodded. Ever since he got into the league, they felt like a family to him. Even though he lost my mother, he has a new family now, the League. This time, he will protect his family at all costs.

It's been months since the sports festival and if the information that he got hasn't changed, the class should be now in the camp. Again, they can't notice that he protects Ochaco at all, or else he would lose her because she is his Achilles heel, my weak point. "I need to stay strong so that I can protect her, I don't want to lose another person in my life. I need to become stronger than the league together and All Might if I want to protect her in a distance. I need to focus now on getting Kachan." Izuku thought. "We are here, so where do you think the kid is?" Shigaraki asked. Thanks to Kurogiri, they were on top of a cliff, just to see where the kids were. Izuku immediately found the group. "Over there." He said and pointed at the right direction.

"It looks like they are going into the forest for some kind of test. We can make groups and sneak around to see where he is now." Izuku said. "Nah, I like going head first and attacking people until I get what I want." Dabi said. "That's not smart Dabi, you should really think of how we should get him. If we go head first we won't find a way back out then, and if we do it sneakily..." Izuku felt something burning and sharp on his face, he looked and knew that someone punched him. "Stop muttering, we are losing time, we need to get him before someone will find us." Dabi said. Well, Izuku tried to warn them but they didn't listen to him so they went head first.

"Toga, you and me, we are going south." Izuku said. "Gotcha, I will follow you." Toga said. Izuku ran with Toga to south. "Where do you think 1-B would be?" Izuku heard. He immediately stopped Toga and hid themselves in a bush. He saw Ochaco and Tsuyu walking. "What's wrong?" Toga asked. "I recognized the voice, it's 1-A, but not Kachan." Izuku said, it's Ochaco. "Ow good, fresh blood, can I get some?" Toga asked. "No, we can't attack her!" Izuku panicked. "Why not?" "Because... Just because..." Izuku couldn't find anything to say. "If you don't have anything to say, I'm going to attack them so Shigaraki get's the time to kidnap your friend." "He's not my..." Before Izuku could finish his sentence, Toga went head first attacking the girls.

She ran towards Ochaco first. "NO!" He screamed and ran out of the bushes, Black Fog came out of his hand and he knew what to do. He stretched his finger out and black fog became a black whip, he surrounded Toga with the whip and threw her away from Ochaco. "Deku?" He heard, but he ignored it. "We need to go, now!" He said. "Well, at least I got what I needed, so let's go." Toga said. "What do you mean?" Ochaco asked. Izuku looked at her. "I'm sorry Ochaco." He used black whip again to block their way that Bakugou went and he ran again, hoping that Ochaco wouldn't follow him so she could stay safe.

Izuku ran to a place where they could calm down for a second. "So... You got her blood?" Izuku asked, he knew that when Toga said: "I got what I needed." It was blood. "Duh, what else do I take? Limbs, that's hard to carry and not my quirk so no thank you." Toga said. After a second, they heard trees breaking and Izuku heard Bukugou's scream. "There he is! I remember him screaming 'DIE!' everytime he fights." "You have a weird friend..." "Like I said: he is not my friend anymore!" Unfortunately Toga didn't listen to him again and ran towards the sound, Izuku sighed and followed Toga.

They ran and finally saw Bakugou. "Let's notify Shigaraki where he is now." Izuku said, he used the communicator to tell the others where he is now. "Got it, follow them until we get there!" Mr. Compress said. "I wonder how we can get him without him knowing where the hideout is." Toga asked. "It's simple, that's why we have Mr.Compress. His quirk will allow us to take Kachan without worrying us about his weight and him knowing the place. If you analyse his quirk, he can make things and people change into a tiny ball. So he can just put Kachan in a little ball and put it in his pocket. Then he would have no idea of where we are taking him and the weight." "Wow, you just knew by observing him?" "Yea, since I was little I observed a lot of heroes so when I would become one, I would have a lot of knowledge to defeat the villains. It's kinda became a habit for me."

"Cool, so you know exactly what my quirk is?" Toga asked. "You told me that Toga, yours is transform. You need blood so you can transform into people." "Aw, I thought that you observed me and knew immediately what my quirk was." "Next time, I will observe another person and first tell you what their quirk could be, is that okay?" Izuku asked, Toga nodded happily. "Now keep our eyes on our target, we don't want to disappoint Shigaraki by losing sight of him." "You're right, like always." Toga said in a creepy tone.

After a minute, Mr.Compress came along with Dabi. "Thanks for the help kid!" Dabi said, Izuku and Toga came out of the bush. "Deku! What do you want?" Kachan asked angrily. "It's a simple one actually Bakugou, we need you to come along." "As if I would do that, hahaha." Kachan said, of course Izuku thought he would say something like that. "Well, I asked you nicely, so you have to come by force." Izuku said. "I will no..." Mr.Compress used his quirk on Bakugou. "We got him, let's go." Dabi said. "You will not get away from this!" Todoroki shouted. Izuku looked at him and used black whip to catch him and throw him away as far as he could.

Dabi told the others that they have Bakugou, Kurogiri made a portal behind them. "I will see you next time guys!" Izuku said, he stepped into the portal and they all were in the hideout. "Prepare for some explosions when we release him, he will try to get away as fast as he could." Izuku said. "Yes boss..." Dabi laughed. "This time it's not a joke Dabi, this is serious time, because finally I can get my long wanted revenge." Izuku thought.

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