Chapter 13 - Going back to UA

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After months, he didn't even go close to the school. He had a plan to get back in, he knows what to say and what to do. He's not going to make a big entrance or a big show. He's going to break into the teachers lounge and talk to the worst person he could even imagine talking to him, All Might. With his new quirk, he flew up to where he thinks the teachers lounge is and went inside. Nobody was there. He looked at his clock and realised it was school hours. He still had time to actually prepare himself, mentally. "Man, after months, going back here feels... weird." He thought. He heard the bell go. "Okay, here we go." He thought and smiled too.

All Might was the first to go in. He looked at Izuku and froze. "Young Midoriya?" All Might asked. "Help me..." Izuku said and with a sad face. "What's wrong?" All Might asked. "I didn't want to choose this way." Izuku lied. All Might believed him. "Let's go to a place where we can talk privately." All Might said, he nodded. They went to a different room, a room that Izuku never saw. "Are you okay?" He asked. It's time, Izuku thought. His tears started to roll down on his cheeks. "I-I... Sniff... I want my life back All Might." He cried. "Come here." All Might said as he opened his arms for him to hug. Izuku went to him and hugged him. "I always knew that you had a good heart, you even helped Bakugou get out of the League's hands." "As if I wanted to do it, I just didn't want to hear his bullshit again." Izuku thought.

"What tea do you want, young Midoriya?" He asked. "Whatever you want, I like all kinds of tea." He said with a smile. "He actually bought it, I thought I needed to go a little overboard but that's not needed anymore." Izuku thought. All Might put some tea for the both of them. "Drink up, it will calm you down." He said with a smile. Izuku drank a little bit and put the cup down. "After I lost my mother, I had no home, nowhere to go, then a man came to me offering help but as payment I needed to betray UA and you too of course. I accepted it immediately, because I had nothing anymore." "And that's why you tried to protect the league in the USJ incident?" All Might asked and Izuku nodded.

"We can be your family, you just need to trust us." "That's why I came here, I will volunteer to be your spy. I can give you every info you want to, give every false info to them." "Nonsense, we can't put you in that kind of danger!" "They can't do anything to me because I'm important for them, if they would find out the only thing they would do is torture me and that's all." "That's even worse!" "I can't just leave All Might, they would know that I talked to you and would kill me then, if I'm still useful for them then they can't kill me. Just give me that chance." Izuku lied, All Might thought. "I really don't want you to get hurt..." "I won't, trust me." Izuku said with confidence.

All Might looked at him and smiled. "If you're sure then you can do it, when something gets wrong, you'll leave the League immediately without any hesitation." "I will." Izuku lied again. "Man, it's good to lie the whole time. Now let's get going with the plan." Izuku thought. "I will talk with the other teachers and with the principal to get you back in UA." All Might said. "Well I have nowhere to go then the League, I'll talk to ya later than." Izuku said and walked away. "I got him on the hook, now the other faculty members and the plan worked." He thought.

He was back in the hideout. "Did it work?" Shigaraki asked, Izuku smiled. "All Might said that he will talk with the other faculty members to get me back, but I'm sure that he will get me back in." Izuku said. "Good, we have our inside man back. Great job, kid." Dabi said. "If only you didn't release the other kid then we maybe would have another inside man." He added. "The keyword is maybe, but I'm glad that I did it before I went back to that school. All Might almost lost faith in me being good and all, but when he heard that I released Kachan he wanted to help me. Plus, I know Kachan more than you guys, he will never change his mind to become a villain like us."

"It's set then, you know your next mission kid?" Shigaraki asked, Izuku nodded. "Once I get all of their trust back, give them false information about the League until they are fed up with all the false info that they get a different side of your story." "Good, you're really useful." Shigaraki said. "I told you that I knew a way to get into All Might's heart again." Izuku laughed. "It's just a matter of time that I get a message from the number one to get back to the school." He added.

3 days passed by and Izuku got a mail, it was from his own previous homeroom teacher, mr.Aizawa. "Did you open it?" Spinner asked. "Not yet until everyone is here to see it, get everyone here." Izuku said. Spinner got everyone to Izuku. "What's wrong kid?" Dabi asked. "I got my mail finally!" Izuku said with a smile. "Ohhh, did you open it?" Toga asked, Izuku shook his head. "Then open it, we don't have all day!" Dabi said sharp. Izuku opened the mail, read the words and smiled. "I'm back in guys!" He screamed, he felt like he had an approval from a university that he always wanted to go to. "Now don't ruin it this time, you won't get a third chance." Shigaraki threatened him.

The very next day he came back to UA with his uniform that he kept. He got surprised looks on him from the students, but he smiled at them and went to his old classroom. He took 1 last breath in and out and went back inside. His classmates looked surprised at him. "Midoriya? Why is he here?" Some of them asked. "I'm glad that you're back!" Kirishima said and hugged him. "Thanks... Kirishima, you're breaking my bones." Izuku said, Kirishima let him go. "He's back on 1 condition, that he will help the heroes instead of the villains." Aizawa said. "We trust him, so don't act up around him because he went to the League." He added.

Izuku looked around and saw that his place was still empty, he walked there and sat back at his old desk. "Long time no see desk." He thought. "But it won't be long to leave again, trust me..."

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