Chapter 6 - One Thing

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The day was over, Izuku was going home. He was pretty happy about getting into UA as he finally had a few hours to himself without Toga's clinginess and Dabi's salty comments. He had already formed friendships with his classmates. Well "friendships", most of the people here were annoying anyway, besides he couldn't forget why he was here in the first place. The only person he got a bit of a liking to was Ochako Uraraka, he wasn't exactly sure about his feelings towards her, but he knew they were positive.

Once Home he took out his phone and called Toga as he didn't have time to stop by. She sounded rather happy, and so curiosity took over and he asked why.

"Don't you remember silly? The plan's almost in motion! You told us the class is going on a field trip with All Might didn't you? Then we'll finally strike!"

Izuku smiled at the comment.

They'd finally strike.

Weeks passed and things were going good. Today they had a field trip to the USJ, rescue training. Over there they met pro hero thirteen. Izuku was pretty excited, soon the plan would be in motion. Thirteen was explaining something about quirks not being given to harm others etc, etc. As thirteen wanted to begin explaining their training a black shadow appeared behind her.

"What's that?"

Izuku looked at Kirishima, then at the place he was looking at and saw Shigaraki step out of it. "About time you showed up, crater face" After Shigaraki stepped out, others followed. Aizawa  quickly jumped down to fight the villains while Thirteen tried to evacuate the students, except Kurogiri stopped her. Some students like kirishima and Bakugou tried attacking him but failed because of his quirk. Everyone who tried attacking ended up in a different zone in the USJ, Izuku ended up with Asui and Mineta in the shipwreck-zone. "Damn, I hope those heroes don't ruin it for us..."

"It's not like they can kill Allmight!"
"But Mineta, if they went through all that trouble don't you think they have a plan to kill Allmight?"

Mineta was freaking out and Asui didn't exactly brighten the mood, Izuku was secretly enjoying this. He still had to form a plan to get out of there, wanting to do nothing would seem suspicious after all, but how.... Eventually he thought of something, it'd be a huge risk, but he was willing to try. "Act like Bakugou..." He jumped off the ship and screamed. As he was falling towards the water he used black fog. Basically what happened is he used his quirk to create a whirlpool so the villains surrounding the ship would get stuck in, after that Asui caught him with her tongue. They went closer to the plaza and saw Aizawa fighting Shigaraki. "Finish him off already so we can get out you moron" Izuku wanted it to end already. When would Allmight finally show up, or was he really that much of a coward? As Aizawa finally managed to get out of Shigaraki's grip he got attacked by a nomu.

"Kurogiri, did you kill thirteen?"
"I put thirteen out of action, ... "
Kurogiri was now next to Shigaraki
" ...but there were students I was unable to disperse, and one of them was able to run away."
"If you weren't a warp gate.... I would've crushed you to pieces..."

Izuku stood up.

"Ribbit, what are you doing?"

Asui and Mineta stayed down, careful not to be seen, in the meantime Izuku was calmly walking toward the two villains.

"Where are Toga and Dabi?"
"They're preoccupied"

Izuku looked at the warp gate, he was kinda disappointed his friends weren't there, they had grown quite close. Then Shigaraki looked up.

"We can't win against dozens of pros. It's game over this time, let's go home."

Izuku just looked at him.

"Don't you wanna kill Allmight?... If we leave now UA will just tighten security..."

And when you speak of the devil, he appears. All of a sudden the entrance gate to the USJ flung open and Allmight walked through. Everyone seemed to look as if their hope was restored, everyone except Midoriya. He was kinda pissed honestly, but except they had an opportunity to get rid of the guy. After getting a look at the situation, Allmight quickly got Aizawa and Midoriya away from Shigaraki, Kurogiri and the Nomu. As he tried attacking Shigaraki he got cut off by the monster and started fighting it instead. Izuku ran back to Shigaraki.

"Should I try to stop him?"
"...No... Let the nomu do his work..."

Soon Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki and Uraraka joined the scene but at this point All Might and the nomu started punching each other so hard everyone started to get blown away. No one could get near them. Before they knew it the nomu was blown out of the USJ, literally, Allmight had punched him so hard he flew away, it even made a hole in the roof. The building started shaking because of it, everyone felt it. "Not yet...." Izuku thought "we're not done yet!" At this point his legs just started moving, running toward All Might. The so-called 'number one' must've been exhausted after that fight, Izuku looked down at his hand and saw black fog coming out again, he might have a shot at ending this. All Might's guard was low as he was watching the hole in the ceiling, just as he turned around Izuku punched him in the gut. It didn't do much, but it was enough to make Allmight stumble back a few feet.

"Deku-Kun what are you doing?"
Izuku wasn't exactly listening, right now he mainly just wanted to be the one to end All Might.

"What would your mom think of this?"

Right, Izuku almost forgot he told Ochako about her, but there was one important detail he left out. He looked down with his back turned toward the brunette. Damn, he really did miss her...


"She's dead."

(A/N you can play the song now if you want.)

Yeah, Izuku remembered that day quite vividly... He was at the lair talking to Toga and Twice, everything went good until Shigaraki came in.. There was a villain attack, more specifically: a nomu attack. Izuku knew about this since he had helped with planning it. Izuku's mother was in the area of the attack, however, Shigaraki had promised not to harm her. Soon the pros arrived. One of the Nomu went on a rampage around All Might's area. He destroyed many buildings over there, with Izuku's mother being in one of them. She didn't make it. Izuku blamed it on All Might, if he could really save everyone, why did he let his mother die?... '"Number One Hero" my ass.'

"Don't you have a family?"

Man she really did sound desperate, he almost felt sorry.... He didn't really care for most people here, but he actually liked ochako a lot... "Too bad that ends here..."

Izuku charged at All Might again, but Kurogiri stopped him by warping him back to the lair. In the end, he didn't get to kill All Might, or have ochako, but someday....

Someday that number one will pay...

Villain Deku, the story of a fallen heroWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt