End - My world

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Today is another hectic day for Yashiro. "I hope today isn't bad like any other day.." Yashiro walked through the hallways of Tsukasa's boundary.

She was quite used that the boundary was quiet. Although Tsukasa is playful and all, the boundary is still quiet as ever. But Yashiro did wonder. Tsukasa had been softer to her everyday. He was still like his playful self, but everytime he crossed the line, he always apologize.

Now that made Yashiro suspicious. Is Tsukasa planning something bad? Or even something made him that way? Yashiro shooked the feeling off. She then went to Tsukasa's room. Tsukasa had oddly been in his room a lot. So that made Yashiro more suspicious and curious.

"Tsukasa..are you there?" she said softly. She didn't wanted to startle Tsukasa or something. "I'm here~" he said playfully behind Yashiro. "What do you want Yashiro?" he said behind her playing her hair.

"Well um..you have been in your room a lot and I wanted to check you up." Yashiro mutter. Tsukasa's eyes glowed."So your worried about me?~" Tsukasa then floated to Yashiro and faced her.

"H-hey! Who told you I was worried about you!" "Well you did wanted to check me up didn't you?" He smirked. Yashiro just went silent. She can't really admit it, but she was worried about Tsukasa.

"Meet me at the Sakura park later. Now I have some work to do. Bai-bai Yashiro~" he planted a kiss on Yashiro's cheek and disappear. Yashiro's cheeks started to become red.

Thought she was curious why Tsukasa was in a rush. She then saw a black folded paper swan on the floor. She picked it up and read it.

To Yashiro,
      Go wear a beautiful dress and meet me at Sakura park at 5 pm. Sorry that I didn't say earlier.


"A beautiful dress.." mutter Yashiro. "I'll go look some dresses that was in the dress room then." The dress room was not far from Tsukasa's bedroom. So she arrived there quickly. The dress room was full of dresses, skirts, gowns and accessories.

"Ahhh I can't decide which dress to wear!" All of the dresses were beautiful. They were all in different colours. "Hmm.. Which dress should I wear? Oh I got it!" Yashiro picked a light blue coloured dress with flowers on it.

"Maybe I should wear a flower hairpin? Or just a white ribbon?" Yashiro couldn't really decide which accessory to wear. There were many interesting and pretty accessories to pick.

After Yashiro finally made a decision and got ready

"Hmm..I wonder why Tsukasa asked me to the park.." She talked to herself. The park was beautiful. There were ribbons everywhere. There were also glowing flowers. Everything in the Sakura park were beautiful.

(Maybe cringe)

There Tsukasa stand at a nearby tree. "Hey Tsukasa!" Yashiro waved her hand at Tsukasa so that he knows she's there. Yashiro went to the tree. Tsukasa was wearing a fancy black suit.

"Yashiro, I-" he mutter. He couldn't really say it. But he knew he had too. "I LIKE YOU" he confessed. He was also blushing red. Yashiro was also blushing red. "I like you too Tsukasa" she mutter.

"So will you be mine?" "Of course!" Then they um.. hugged and kissed. So yeah...

(I was not ready for this 😭)

Well that's the end of this book. But don't worry, I have another thing going on (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I'm also sorry that the end is short also. I'm still running out of ideas and I just feel a little motivated to write here. Well tata and have a nice day! (⌒_⌒;)

★᭄ꦿ᭄ꦿMιɴᴇ ғoʀᴇvᴇʀ~★᭄ꦿ᭄ꦿ [A tsukanene story]Where stories live. Discover now