Chapter Twenty-three

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The next morning, they headed out across the Martian wasteland once more, Maxtor and Seiren sat up front and in the back Touchreik and Leroy shared concerned looks. They were exchanging messages with their eyes, is it here? What if? Years wasted?

Touchreik wasn't keen on returning after the incident with the suit, it had really spooked him. It felt like they were intruders desecrating sacred grounds, it was as if that were a sign.

"We have a full day," said Maxtor over his shoulder.

"Leroy, I want you and the professor to get the samples loaded. Seiren and I will continue the search for the stones."

"Wouldn't it be better if we all looked?" said Leroy.

"No, if we don't find them, then we could end up going home with nothing, at least we'll have the Prof's samples," said Maxtor. "It's gonna be a long day, let's get to work."

Having gained entry and found a map the previous day then they had hoped today would be a lot more efficient. Seiren and Maxtor set off together, having planned a methodical sweep of the most likely locations for the stones. Meanwhile, Leroy and Touchreik began tagging, labelling and transporting samples back to the rover, focusing on more manageable samples in terms of size and weight. Throughout the morning, they were both frustrated and distracted, neither felt that anything was more important than the stones but couldn't say. Instead, they carried on and had micro conversations whilst they were alone or out of earshot. Sometimes without words, just raised eyebrows or sighs, particularly after disappointing reports from the other two.

"What you think?" whispered Touchreik through the closed channel.

"Doesn't sound good."

"Will they find it?"

"Shit, if we weren't here loading this junk, we could help em," snapped Leroy, throwing a small crate onto the rover and heading back to the base entrance.

Suddenly the ground shook and a muffled but powerful explosion was heard from inside. It was impossible to run in the suits, but they made their way deep into the base quickly. A thick cloud of dust billowed down a wide corridor and the beams of two headlamps shone from within it. They made their way through to a door that hung on its hinges. Inside a secure area, the pair were rummaging through papers and artefacts. As the day wore on, they didn't react to other explosions and sounds of destruction deep inside the base. The atmosphere of unease grew and the tone darkened as they became more despondent. By now they assumed it was in one or two of the secure areas on the site.

In the afternoon more explosions were heard as Maxtor and Seiren blasted their way around the major's base. By late afternoon they had made good headway with the samples and Leroy was asked to go through all the crates in the loading bay. A sign of desperation, looking for a few tiny stones in three-meter crates was nuts, but he was relieved to be involved. Could the 'Black-Star' really have been forgotten or left behind when they headed back to Earth? As the day drew on the exhausted crew become more anxious and desperate. Touchreik continued to gather his samples of old technology, charts and data as well as samples from the organic collections. He also digitally scanned the area including the major's quarters and various rooms of historical interest. These recordings will help them to digitise the place once they return to Heathen for V-World sims and historical record. The night before there had been lengthy discussions and wide-ranging theories about the 'Black-Star'.

Sometimes we hide valuables in plain sight? The 'Black-Star' might be in jewellery or ornaments for all they knew. Even with the time they had, they'd never cover the place in its entirety, so they'd be forced to prioritise.

It was late in the day by the time the last of the samples were loaded on the transporter. The cargo still had to be loaded on to the booster for the return trip before the day was over. There'd be no time the following morning before they boarded and headed back to the Lazarus.

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