Chapter Fifteen

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Inside, the Tugen Bar's clientele lived by an invisible code of conduct. All conversations and opinions were healthy within the walls of the place but never left the door they came through and left by. Sometimes people shared their deepest desires, kept from the outside world either in describing them or acting on them. Yet they knew to never ask or reveal anything as trivial as their accommodation loce, age or kinship ties. Inside this and many other establishments in the sector, they would nod in greeting or scream wildly to each other. Everyone recognisable at a minimum and for those that weren't there was initial suspicion, a cautious approach followed by acceptance.

In the preceding decades, Professor Touchreik had been a welcome guest at such places. Never outgoing or the centre of attention but his notoriety as the guy from the caveman project brought unique looks. A gaze might be held a moment too long, but in some ways, his semi-celebrity status gave the place kudos. Queen bitches with orange faces and giant silver hair would gossip behind his back when there's nothing else to gossip about, which wasn't often.

"Like, yeah I ain't surprised you know. He was into history, you know what I mean?"

"Takes all kinds and those history folks they're just like us."

The professor had at first been concerned about media but not anymore, it's like they knew anyway so it was of no interest. He got caught in the bathroom with one of the bitches once and was subjected to her worldly wisdom. "Honey, they all wanna see your dick, but once you whip it out and slap em in the face with it, it's just a dick after that."

He would often be seen in his usual seat, watching the neon lights illuminate the spangled frocks and glittered hair. The beautiful topless young boys in tight-fitting trousers gyrated to the beats. Boys that seemed even younger would harass and cajole the brethren with offers of influencers.

He heard a voice behind him. "It's been a long time."

He turned around to see a man slightly taller than him. His face was painted silver and he had shadows painted under his eyes and across his cheekbones. He wore a ragged silver outfit with a strange wrap around headdress.

"Excuse me?" said Touchreik

"It's been a long time, Professor."

"Do we know each other?" Maybe they did, manners was the best default position and work from there.

"It's been over forty years, but I'm insulted."

The professor stepped back. "I'm sorry I really..."

"The Chase?" the man interrupted.

"Is that you? The fellow who?"

"Nice to meet you again old chum," he said stressing the last word.

"Well, yes, nice to meet you too." He paused. "Again."

They both stared at the floor for a moment and then without speaking, focused on a gentleman sat directly across the room. He was sat at a table with a female dressed in a bask and boots with huge feathers in her hair. On one side, the feathers straggled over her face but failed to hide the obvious, she was a drone. Even in the poor light, it was clear from the mannerisms, but to be seen in public with a drone like that. Such poor quality, not unusual around here.

"We need to talk," shouted the stranger into his ear above the music.

"What about?"

"Not here, outside." The stranger beckoned him to follow with a nod and headed for the door. Pushing past the throng in the doorway, they burst into the street and the door shut behind them. The music became muffled and was replaced by a light rain and chatter, giggles from a few people standing outside.

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