Chapter Four

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Professor Algeria Touchreik took a moment to work out where he was. The trip up from Earth had drained him and he'd slept the whole night. He'd even forgotten to pull the shutter down around his bed and laughed to himself about the radiation warnings. She had used the word 'recommended' for the shield, so presumably, that meant rarely. He pushed away the thoughts of his teeth and hair falling out over breakfast. He felt a lot better this morning and threw on some of his favourite soundscapes. 

Not wanting to shock his senses to life, he kept the lighting in the cabin dimmed whilst he showered and dressed. He'd already opened one of his pre-programmed VR displays for the wall window. It was one of his favourites from back home and he used it regularly. The view was a serene Spring day across the lawns, close to the institute and would provide a sense of familiarity. The window view could remain ever-present if he preferred, across the millions of kilometres they would travel. It perfected the illusion of standing on the sedate surface of Earth. He particularly liked this scene because it showed both the city he loved and enough of the green reserve to let him know it was still there. With the VR window scenes indicating no movement, it completed the illusion of stillness. He'd decided to try and relax a little today, so after a rough beard trim, he donned a green and yellow one-piece run-of-the-mill garment. 

It seemed appropriate for the ship's tour and avoided him appearing cranky or morose when he met the drop crew. They would probably be a youthful bunch and he didn't want to play into their stereotypes in dressing like a professor. He threw a sheet over his bed and checked himself in the mirror, a few more snips on the beard and he was good to go.

At last, a voice announced itself with a pinging sound in his cabin. It sounded like Melanie, the drone who had brought him to his cabin.

"Good morning, Professor."

"A very good morning to you, Melanie," he said in a sarcastic voice as he snipped a few hairs from his nostrils and swilled the scissors in the sink.

"I trust you slept well?"

"I most certainly did, How about you?"

Melanie ignored his remark. "Captain Bernsteen and the drop crew will be ready to meet you in 14 minutes at the central reception area on level one."

He sang his response, "Thank yooo."

She departed with an audible ping in the same way she had arrived. His tone had been forced but indicated a much-improved state of mind this morning. If it weren't for the strange 'Sage' called Melanie, and the cramped lodging with lack of technology, he could almost be home. Maybe not, but at least he had remembered to bring the view. He'd been due a good night's sleep, but it'd been a long time coming. The nightmares might never go away, but there was a hope and consolation in being here after all these years. He brought up his visual display for directions and requested the door open. 

Standing up straight he lifted his chin and he headed out to meet his new colleagues. He followed the directions along the crisp white corridors from which the cabins were situated. At last, he was directed through a glass door into what may have been the central reception area of the ship. He remembered it from boarding; however, the floor stairwell which had led to the shuttle was retracted and closed. It was spacious and airy it occupied both of the ship's available floors and was topped off with a large glass dome. In the centre, there was a circular area with humanoid drones behind desks. They were humanoid at the top half only and were the same questionable quality as Melanie. There weren't many organic humans around and one or two of the drones stared vacantly forwards. The others answered queries or blue-toothed data into passenger comm units.

One human standing by the desk was surely of interest to him. A very shapely black-skinned female. She wore a smart and somewhat heavy-looking uniform. She noticed him arrive and stepped closer. The material of her uniform was probably not as cumbersome as it first looked. For a larger figure, she moved quite nimbly. She held up a palm and tapped her forehead.

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