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Hyewon got home to see Wonyoung already asleep and Yujin close to meeting her dreams,

She carefully opened the door and went in, not wanting to wake them up as it will make her feel guilty in some way,

Closing the suddenly very squeaky door, Hyewon accidentally backed up on a side table,

Her hip hitting the corner making her want to scream out in pain but couldn't as she thinks the sound of a coin falling from the said table made Yujin notice already,

She wouldn't want to wake Wonyoung up too, am I right?

"You okay unnie?" Yujin asked coming out of nowhere, her eyes directly gluing onto Hyewon as she saw how she looked as she held onto the door,

Her face scrunched up as her hands was by her hips making the 'younger' figure out what must've happened already,

Yujin never knew someone as pretty as Hyewon had a side like this, smiling it out as she knows she'll recover from it within minutes,

She's a girl too, and this is one of the accidents no girl could be able to dodge through, Hyewon quietly cleared her throat, thus having the confidence to speak

"You want ice?"

"No, I'm fine" chuckling at Hyewon, Yujin went near her,

The girl getting surprised as she felt Yujin somehow hold her by her arm, she didn't know that ghost could hold onto the living,

And knowing that as of now is making her brain think, is it a good thing or a bad one?

Guiding her to the kitchen as they didn't want to bother the sleeping Wonyoung,

Yujin can't stop herself from chuckling making Hyewon slap her on the arm.


"I told you ice works the best" after bickering for some time, Hyewon finally said yes to Yujin's idea of putting ice by her hip,

The pain faded away so fast that Hyewon's now making what looks like was hot drinks for them,

"Okay miss smarty pants, I'll remember your tip starting today" looking back at Yujin, the girl salivated just by seeing what she was holding,

Two cups of hot chocolate, marshmallows floating on top as the spoon sticked out the beverage, by how Hyewon held the cups,

Yujin already knew it was hot, and knowing she's with the grim reaper makes her much more happier as she will have the ability to drink this wonderful creation

"You don't know when's the last time I drank one of these"

"Of course I don't, now do you want it or not?"

An unamused face mixed with a glare made Hyewon do her thing already, flicking her fingers and a soft blow,
Yujin now has a very drinkable cup of hot chocolate.


The two got to talk for a while, it makes Hyewon happy to see what the others would say about her,

Their sayings perfectly fitting in with the Yujin she's talking to right now, she even smiles every time she sees Yujin's dimples which Yena said she loved,

"Unnie your staring"

Yujin kept opening a new topic once the one they were talking about got them bored,

Cats leading onto exercise, leading onto houses, leading onto Yujin's course, onto dogs, onto their first impressions of each other and many more,

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