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Hyewon just finished doing her laundry after writing a short note and wrapping the gifts she bought for Eunbi,

She laid down the sofa not minding the dishes stuck in the sink as of now as she promised she'll do it in 10 minutes,

"Short break!"

Finishing washing the dishes, her eyes went pass by the clock which left her in shock,

"It's 12 am already?!" she ran back to her laundry, now placing them inside the dryer so when she wakes up, she'll just fold them,

Hearing the dryer run, she peeked back to the kitchen to see if anything still needs to be cleaned,

Seeing nothing she was going to refill Coral's water bowl when her phone started ringing,

"Hey you, are you busy?"

Eunbi sounded really tired and exhausted as soon as she answered the call,

"Just filling Coral's water bowl before I sleep, why are you awake huh? I texted you 30 minutes ago yet you didn't reply, I thought you were asleep already"

Hearing some random noises behind Eunbi's voice, she thought the older was doing something,

"Oh I did fall asleep earlier, I just woke up"

"Oh, then why did you call me? Is everything okay?" she asked as she poured water onto Coral's water bowl before slumping on the ground her eyes landing on the sleeping cat across her,

"I think so, can you not sleep yet? At least wait 5 minutes?" wondering why she was instructed to do that, Hyewon's forehead scrunched up,

".....why? Did you order food for me or something?" hearing her giggle made her more flustered,

"Well you can call it food, you can call it something else, just wait okay?"


"Right, Yena gave me your house key, did she tell you?"

"Yep, as soon as I woke up, she told me, keep it with you always okay?"

"Nae~" Hyewon laid down the floor staring at the ceiling as Eunbi didn't talk, it really sounds like she's going somewhere as Hyewon keeps hearing footsteps,

"Are you not in bed?" hearing a small hum, Hyewon immediately sat up,

"Then, where are you? It's 12 am in the morning, you still have work later Eun, it's freezing outside."

"Don't worry I'm close to my destination"

"What destination?"

"I'm just a couple of steps away don't worry" Hyewon was frustrated as Eunbi kept avoiding her question,

"Just don't hang up okay? I'll wait till you arrive to wherever you're going" hearing the girl giggle again made Hyewon smile but at the same time worried,

"Where is she going at this hour? And why is she this happy about it?" asking herself, Eunbi dropped the call,

"Mweoya?!" she was about to call her back when her doorbell rang, she was skeptical whether to open it or not as who would visit her at this hour am I right?

Opening the door, the first thing she saw was yellow checkered pajamas, and a brown strap of a bag pack?

"Hi!" seeing Eunbi in her pajamas wearing a navy-blue bag pack, her pink socks and a pair of slip-ons Hyewon didn't knew how to react.

Seeing the younger in deep though as her mouth started to slightly open as she stared at Eunbi,

She on the other hand had her smile grew bigger and bigger as she looked at the surprised Hyewon,

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