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It was a good day to take a long walk across the city as the sun wasn't too hot while you can feel the refreshing breeze hit your face,

Eunbi decided to walk to work for her daily dose of exercise, stopping by a bakery to buy herself some breakfast, she came across a giant ad that made her happy just by simply looking at it,

"She's doing good" entering the bakery the smell of pastries engulfed her, making it hard for her and her "diet",

"I'll have 2 croissants, a packet of strawberry jam and an iced coffee please" you don't want to go to work with an empty stomach am i right?

She was a couple steps away from the entrance when an ambulance stopped with a little boy on the stretcher,

Looks like he fell down the stairs just by the bruises he has across his arms, she quickly dropped her coffee as she ran towards him

"Good way to start the day",

Meanwhile on the exact opposite side of the road,

A tall man eating ice cream was seen looking at the chaos happening, not being bothered by it as he was rather entertained by it,

"There she goes" he said looking at Eunbi as she helped push the stretcher,

He dropped his ice cream in a nearby trashcan before walking the opposite way towards the crowd.

After an hour in the E.R. Chaewon, a friend and colleague of Eunbi, got out of the emergency room with her, she took a look at her watch and saw that it was their free time,

"Unnie!" Chaewon shouted,

"Hm?!" the nurse shouted back as she was unpacking her things by her desk

"You wanna get food? It's on me!" Chaewon wasn't the type of person to treat people out, but when it comes to Eunbi, she would always try her luck

"Oh Chaewon-ah I'm sorry but I promised Nate I'll eat with him today," Eunbi said hoping the younger would believe what she said

"Nate? I thought you hated him?" Chaewon whispered, not wanting to attract some unwanted attention to them,

"Your loss, I'll just ask Yena and Yuri if they are free" she then faced the older looking for a last chance that she'll come with her

"Are you sure unnie? I know that Yena and Yuri will be happy to eat with you too." Chaewon was sad as she saw Eunbi left the area without responding back, she really wonders what happened to the Eunbi she once knew.

Eunbi did want to come but there was a certain thing Eunbi can do that no one else can and that's the cause of her sudden change of personality.

By the way for your knowledge, Yuri is a pediatrician working in the same hospital as them, Yena is a famous choreographer for a label in Seoul, two of their closest friends,

They're 9 to be exact, used to be 11 but two of their friends died in a tragic car crash that left some of them traumatized,

Namely the ones who works in the hospital as they were the ones who responded when their the two youngest arrived.

After all they did, the surgeries, the sleepless nights, the cancelled events or important happenings,

Yena even missed an awarding so she could watch over Yujin, the two died with a day gap between each other.

Eunbi who was going to meet "Nate" stopped on the hospital's cafe before she goes up to buy a green tea latte to help her get in the mood, she was near the elevator when her phone started to ring

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