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"Are you nervous?"

Hyewon and Eunbi got home a couple of hours earlier after grocery shopping with Chaewon which surprisingly wasn't that chaotic considering she and Eunbi ate some ice cream on the way to the grocery store,

They're now laying down Eunbi's bed as this is where Hyewon's staying for a week after all,

Hyewon couldn't help but to notice that Eunbi's been dazing off and keeps forgetting certain things, she was using her phone watching some videos on YouTube as Coral slid in her arms from below

"Are you nervous?"

Hyewon said placing her phone down the bedside table as she grabbed a small bear plushie from it, something in her mind was planned already to get Eunbi back from where she may be.

"Eunbi-yah!" Hyewon shouted, not so loud that she might make the girl flinch, and not so quiet that Eunbi couldn't hear it

"Eunbi-yah~" Hyewon placed the bear in front of Eunbi's view, her fingers moving its arms as Hyewon kept calling her, which thankfully made her snap back to reality

"Are you nervous Eunbi-yah?" Hyewon had a different tone when she calls Eunbi by her name, it sounds teasing and annoying but at the same time funny and comforting

"Sorry I was-"

"Dozing off, I know, are you okay?"

Hyewon asked placing the small bear down Eunbi's chest as she laid next to her, their heads touching each other as they both looked at the plain old cream-colored ceiling

"I don't really know" hearing the reply, Hyewon slightly pouted as her forehead started to form wrinkles, signs that she's thinking hard

"San ttoki ttoki-ya, eodireul ganuenya, kkangchong kkangchong dwimyeonseo, eodiereul ganuenya?"

Hyewon sang out of nowhere, her mind controlling her as she really had nothing in mind


Eunbi said laughing as she slapped Hyewon seeing if she would react and if she's still in the same universe as her,

Hearing her explosive laugh is like music to Hyewon's ears, it will always will be like that

"I said do you want to hike up a mountain tomorrow morning? I feel like going out to see the sunrise, especially with you"

"Mountain? I mean wouldn't it be cold?"

"You have me, don't you?" hearing no response, Hyewon thought that the idea wasn't the best, she'll just forfeit and think of another thing

"You know what it's okay, you're right it may be too cold, how about-"

"No, let's hike up, I'll search for a good mountain okay?" Eunbi said facing Hyewon,

Their eyes right in front of each other, Hyewon's lips twisted into a small smile seeing Eunbi this close is one way to explain it,

"Sure bun"

Hyewon kissed Eunbi's forehead before tugging her inside her arms, hugging the tired girl as she was her home after all.


"Found something yet?" since Hyewon brought up the idea of hiking, Eunbi's been swipping up and down on her phone, they just finished their weekly skincare date and are now sitting on the sofa.

Sheet masks on their faces as Hyewon was eating some leftover chocolate bars the older had, looking at Eunbi's phone to see that she's still looking for a mountain or something to climb on,

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