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"I'll buy the bread and the chicken you'll buy the ice cream let's meet back here sounds good?" Eunbi said as Hyewon just finished taking pictures of the city,

Which looked gorgeous as it was getting dark since it's getting late already, making the lights around the street open.

"No taking pictures okay! You're already done remember?"

"Nae, be careful okay? Text me when something's wrong"

"What am I a kid? Get going already you'll walk longer than me" Eunbi said as she was pushing Hyewon away from her, Eunbi looked at Hyewon walking away and talked to herself,

"It's so lonely without her.....ah right the food" she went her way to the stall which was claimed to have the best boneless chicken in town,

"Why didn't we just went together? Ah right time."

Hyewon said as she was looking at her phone in case Eunbi might text her, thankfully she didn't bump into anyone while she was staring at her phone as she was still quite far away from the famous potato ice cream place.

"I'll have half fried and half seasoned please"


"Nae, kamsahamnida"

Eunbi paid for the chicken as she was carrying as small plastic bag with a bowl inside containing three cute looking squid bread inside,

She bought one cheese, one original and a sesame one so they could taste all of the variants, suddenly someone popped up beside her,

"I bought all the flavours, good thing they had a choice of having three in a cup" it was Hyewon she was looking at the ice cream she was holding

"Omo kapjagiya! Why are you here? I thought we agreed on meeting back at the seating area?"

"I didn't want you to be alone, so I searched for you, and here I bought you something"

Hyewon gave Eunbi a beaded bracelet which looked like a child made it but was so important for her because Hyewon gave it to her.

"Did you buy it?"

"Nae, I passed by a stall selling random stuff and that caught my eye, look I have one too, cute right?"

Hyewon lifted her right arm where she was wearing the exact same bracelet, she gave to Eunbi.

"No it's not," Eunbi said while staring at her bracelet, Hyewon was getting sad as she thought she didn't like it,

"-it's beautiful" Eunbi said as she wore the bracelet and smiled at Hyewon who almost frowned at her statement earlier,

"Unnie put your hand near mine, I'll take a photo"

Hyewon said as she raised her hand, Eunbi also raised hers next to Hyewon's so she can capture this moment,

"How can you be single Kang Hyewon?"

Eunbi asked herself because within a half a day she saw all of the characteristics and personalities she was looking for in a person,

She was literally Eunbi's ideal type but in a girl's body.

"Unnie?" Hyewon was waving her hand infront of Eunbi's face as she was staring into thin air

"Y-yeah? Sorry, not enough sleep."

"Ah jinjja? You shouldn't have said your free today, you could've just went home and sleep."

"Here's your order maam" the lady in the stall handed a small box to Eunbi but Hyewon was the one who grabbed it,

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