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After sleeping for 2 hours Hyewon, woke up because her phone vibrated opening her eyes she saw that Eunbi was now curled up next to her,

She looked at her phone and saw a text from Chowon, looking outside she saw that the rain still hasn't stopped

She started to worry about how she can go home, she looked at Chowon's text and it said,

"You, don't even think of coming home, if you're in someplace right now then that's good stay there for now, if not then find someplace to stay in,

I'll take care of Coral okay? Take care of yourself, don't come home I'll close the door early, don't worry I'm going to sleep on the sofa"

Looking at her text Hyewon was relieved as she had friends like them,

She also decided to stay with Eunbi tonight as she wanted to keep an eye on her,

She's worried that Eunbi may catch a cold as she didn't take a bath earlier when they arrived, replying to Chowon she felt that Eunbi was shivering?

She held the back of her hand against her forehead and felt how hot Eunbi was, she slightly panicked not knowing what she should do,

She laid Eunbi's head down the sofa as she tried to stand up, she was going to walk away from her when she suddenly got pulled,

"You're leaving? I told you to wake me-"

"No I'm not, look at you, your sick" Hyewon said as she placed her hand under Eunbi's neck,

"I'm fine, this will subtle down" Eunbi tried to stand up but was stopped by Hyewon,

"Look, you live alone right? I'll sleep here since it also looks like the rain doesn't want me to leave you, I'll get you some warm water okay? Go back to sleep"

Hyewon stood up and went to the kitchen,

Eunbi is the kind of person that even if she's feeling really bad she would still keep it to herself as she doesn't want to bother anyone,

But knowing that Hyewon was the one who insisted that she'll stay because of the "rain"

Eunbi was again touched by her actions, as of now she's sure that there's something going on between them but she wants to enjoy this first.

Hyewon came back holding a cup of warm water for Eunbi, she sat beside her as she drank the water she gave,

"You have food in your fridge?"

Hyewon asked as she doesn't want to order anything to eat because of how strong the rain and wind is outside,

"I think so, I'll cook dinner don-"

"No, you're going to lay down here and I'll cook got it? I'll sleep here later while you sleep in your room okay?"

"What about Coral?"

"My friend is at my place remember? now you need anything? How about you take a warm bath maybe that could help"

"Sure" Eunbi stood up and went to the bathroom, while Hyewon placed the cup in the sink, she'll wash that later.

She's now looking through the fridge figuring out what she could cook for them.

Seeing that Eunbi has beef ribs, Hyewon thought why not cook some galbitang.

She was gathering the ingredients up when Eunbi suddenly shouted,

"Hyewon can you hear me?!" Hyewon wiped her hands and went next to the bathroom,

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