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Author's note:

Hey! What's up? Sorry for uploading so late, and so short. :( I was really busy and I wasn't anywhere near the computer, trust me. Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to one of the readers, @jsutt15 because she comments on almost every chapter! :) To @jsutt15, if you're reading this: THANKS! You're a star! <3 

Enjoy-fan-comment. :)

"Whoa, what the hell is in your luggage, Allie?" Harper gasped. 

Allie grinned. "Almost every hot piece I own!" She winked mischievously. 

"Way to go Allie . " Harper rolled her eyes, still smiling, carrying her ever so slightly stuffed backpack. 

"Hey. Can't a girl pack her luggage in peace. " Rachel stuck out her tongue. 

"Yeah." Allie stuck her tongue out too. 

"Guys. Chill. Let's get these luggages downstairs without bickering,alright?" I huffed, carrying my (if I might say so) moderate sized luggage. 

Rachel tutted. "Man, the Luna in you is coming out. " 

"Shut up Rach. Now will you stop blocking the stairway. I got a luggage to move here." I grinned. 

"Wassup, guys?" Alec greeted as he reached us. "Need some help?" 

"Wassup, brothaaaa!" Rachel did a stupid imitation of a hip hop move. 

"Yes, please Alec." Harper said politely, "especially Allie here. " she shot a pointed look to Allie. 

I think I deal with mine pretty well." Rachel giggled. "Brennan!!!" She yelled. 

He was here in a shot. "Rachel?" 

"I can't carry my luggage. It's just too heavy!" She pouted dramatically- it was hilarious. 

He gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry about it, babe. " He carried her luggage with ease, smirking as he did so. 

"Yay!Thanks!!" She pecked him lightly on the mouth. 

Everyone laughed. 

Alec took that as a challenge. "Ugh!" He groaned as he carried Allie's luggage. "Crap,Allison! What is in here? Giant stones?" He gasped. 

"Dude. If you can't carry it just say it. " Brennan teased. 

"Who says I can't?" Alec growled. He carried the luggage above his head and threw it down the stairs where Brennan was standing. 

Me and Harper shrieked as Allie screamed for the bungee jump of her luggage. 

Thankfully, it didn't land on Brennan. An unknown hand caught it just in time- Jake! I thought he was at a meeting with the elders. 

"Whoa. Easy there Alec. " He turned to Brennan. "You should have known better than to anger Alec. His wolf is unstable right now due to the change." He stated. "What if he hurts them by accident? How about Chelsea, huh?" He growled. 

"Jake! Jake, it's okay. " I quickly comforted him and shot Brennan an apologetic smile. He shrugged, grinning. 

"Let me help you with that. " Jake walked over to me and carried the luggage downstairs. 

"Jeez Alec that was my luggage!" Allie punched him in the arm. Surprisingly, that didn't cause any harm- Alec just growled softly. Hmmmm. Must take note-Alec has a nice wolf. 

"As a punishment... Brennan gets to take all the luggages to the car. " Jake crossed his arms, smirking- temper gone. Wow...he really took bipolar to another level. 

"Aww man!" He groaned, Alec grinning. That sure cheered Alec up.


"I thought you were at the meeting with the elders," I said, sounding a wee bit whiny.  

"I was. But then I couldn't wait to see you." Jake buried his nose in the crook of my neck.  

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help smiling. 

"Mind telling me where we're going?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"No, I told you it was a surprise already." He answered. " Did you bring a swimsuit?" 

"Yes, sir." I rolled my eyes.  

"That's a good soldier." He grinned, heading for the car. 

"Soldiers don't wear swimsuits!" I yelled after him as he ran off. 

He chuckled.

The group were loading the luggages and bags into the trunk as Harper checked for the last minute stuff. Alec changed into a hawaiian shirt. Ummm. Okay... I think I have a clue where we were going. An island? 

"Are you sure it's gonna be okay if Jake leaves like this?" I said worriedly, leaning on the fence guarding the lilies planted outside the house. They were spider lilies- which I disliked. They were just plain creepy, with the thin leg-like petals. 

"Relax. He already talked about it with the elders. Jake's father can take care of it while we go off on the trip." Allie assured. 

"Sorry. You know I'm not very familiar with the werewolf stuff." I took a swig of my water. 

Something I couldn't name flashed across Allie's face. But as fast as it appeared it was gone. "Yeah, it's no biggie."

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