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Woah.... just WOAH. So much had happened today already and it was barely even 11am. All this would need at least two facebook posts; possibly an extra one for Diane's tribute. 

Helen shook her head, walking away from the window in an effort to clear it more. She had been right earlier, something darker than a simple death had happened here and Caroline was undoubtedly part of it. Shutting her eyes to maximise her thinking, Helen ran through the facts.

1. Diane was dead, 100% certain, definitely, stone cold and far gone etc.

2. So far none of the moms knew how she had died...

3. ...Except Caroline who thought she had been murdered.

4. Caroline (who had most likely just killed her best friend) was currently on her own, outside, about to head to an unknown location.

Helen sighed. She needed to find Caroline and hopefully the truth at the same time. And she needed to do it without the other moms realising. Without bothering to plan a lie (she always found they worked best when made up on the spot, it was more natural) Helen walked back to where the other moms where.

"Hey Cathy," she called over the general gossip. "We're running low on wine, can I borrow your car to go get more?"

Cathy nodded and threw the keys at her. Helen felt something like guilt at lying to her but consoled herself with the knowledge that she'd tell her as soon as she knew more. 

Tossing the keys from one hand to the other, Helen ran out to Cathy's Cadillac and jumped into drivers seat. Caroline had already pulled out but she could see her Toyota turning the corner at the end of the road. Pushing the car as fast as it would go, Helen sped after her, ignoring every legality ever applied to raids ever. It didn't matter, after all, 'the car doesn't know speed limits, does it?'

Helen had always wanted to be in a car chase, the idea had only intensified after she had murdered her first husband and decided she was a full-on, movie assassin now. She even had a pinterest board for it. That was the only sad part about the chase: she hasn't got to wear her carefully selected outfit. Helen just knew that she would have killed in those fingerless gloves! Ah, it would have to do.

She barely managed the next turn, having to lean all her weight into the wheel to make the car swing in time. Caroline sped up in front  of her, turning a circle so they were heading back towards Lisa's house. Helen bit her lip and tried to concentrate on the road. She could only hope that she caught up with Caroline before anything worse could happen...

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