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Ring, ring!

 The expensive phone lying on the chintz footstool in front of Cathy McKnight rang shrilly, sliding dangerously close to the edge as it vibrated. Glaring over the large glass of red wine at the disturbance, Cathy saw the caller ID: Helen.

 Sighing, Cathy placed the precious glass of wine on the glass table beside her white couch and reached forward to answer the phone.

 "What?" she grunted into the phone, "I'm having the pre-pilates wine."

 "Pilates is off." Helen's voice said.

 Cathy's jaw dropped.


 "That's all I know. Pick me up we're heading straight to Lisa's." demanded Helen, before hanging up.

 A wicked grin spread across Cathy's face. Meeting the moms at Lisa's was always fun, whether it be downing two bottle of wine each or having fun with the plants in the attic, or sometimes both. The last time they had congregated they had had a little too much and Cathy had ended up naked in the street outside.

 Grinning at the thought, Cathy swung herself off the couch and hastily downed the half-empty glass of wine and took an extra swig from the bottle, just for good luck. She yelled o the kids as she strode out of the door, knowing a riot would start in their quarters as soon as she left. 

 Cathy danced out of the house, taking care to lock the door behind her; she may enjoy wine and plants from attics, but her children's safety would always be in her top five priorities. The red cadillac sat gleaming on the wide driveway and Cathy jumped into the driver's seat, turning the key in the ignition. The gleaming car purred seamlessly out of her driveway and within minutes she arrived at Helen's door.

 Before Cathy could slam her fist onto the horn, the large front door of Helen's house opened and she ran out, two champagne flutes in one hand, a bottle in the other. 

 Opening the passenger door breathlessly, Helen slid into the seat beside Cathy and poured two glasses of bubbly. Cathy downed hers in one, before setting off at breakneck speed down the wide avenue.

 "You were faster than usual." Helen remarked as they flew through the streets, on their way to Lisa's house.

 "Yeah, well. The car doesn't know speed limits, does it?" Cathy smirked as the speedometer edged its way up, nearing 90 mph on a 25 mph road, "Emergencies need urgent attention."

 As they flew through the suburbs, Cathy was filled with joy as she remembered her last car journey - which had earnt her a lot of money. Her latest husband had just so happened to be clearing up Cathy's dropped wine glass when she had hit him in the old cadillac. She'd inherited everything, and nobody had suspected a thing.

 It took mere minutes to arrive at Lisa's house and the car skidded to a halt. The two women jumped out of the car, giggling at the hilarious sight of nothing, and made their way to the sturdy oak door, pounding the knocker violently until the shadow of a women loomed up behind the translucent window.

 They couldn't wait for the fun to start.

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