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As I was drinking my luxury red wine from the bottle (trying not to spill any on my pilates outfit), I heard car wheels skid onto the gravel driveway. It was a red cadillac, the tinted windows made it difficult to see who was in the the car but I knew that the only one of the moms with tinted windows was Helen. I suspected she might be here for some more of my home grown plants but then someone else stepped out of the car. Cathy? They were both looking fairly distraught and mildly confused. The ring of the door bell interrupted my thoughts.

After pouring each of them a large glass of wine we sat down in the living room as I suspected that helen and cathy had some big news to spill to me.


Apparently, Diane had cancelled pilates on us which is very shocking considering she has never cancelled it before, even that time when she had a broken leg and arm. She didn't even cancel it during her fathers funeral! We knew it must've been very serious if Diana had cancelled. We were determined to find out what had happened and for that we needed all the moms. We got our phones out and started dialling various numbers.

After calling as many of the moms as possible, I ventured to my special garden where all the special plants were kept because we all needed a stress reliever after the frightful news we had all just received.

I had my suspicions on what had happened but the time for sharing those theories wasn't then; we were all to appalled at what had happened. I was glad the husband was at work: he didn't need to see me like that.

We settled for wine and reality tv while waiting for the rest of the moms to arrive.
It was a very stressful day on Tuesday 18th January 2012 and little did we know it would only get worse...

Lisa signing off xx

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