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To put it lightly, Brenda was PISSED when she found out pilates was cancelled. Absolutely PISSED. It didn't even help much when Helen told her through the phone that they were having a wine night instead. Wine was good and all, but it just reminded her how amazing pilates was whilst drunk! Those were the good times. Brenda vaguely remembered ending up in a hedge the last time....

She rushed out to her mint green Mini Cooper and jumped in, turning up the engine almost higher than the music volume as she sped over to Lisa's house. Unsurprisingly, the journey didn't take long and five minutes later she was running up the front yard and knocking on the door.

"Quick, come inside!" Cathy said as she opened the door. Brenda did as she was told, accepting the bottle of red and the glass that Helen pressed into her hands.

All the other moms were already assembled in Lisa's sprawling living room. Brenda nodded her greetings at Michelle, Barb, Jennifer, Caroline, Denise and Lisa as she sat down in the arm chair next to the sofa which Cathy and Helen sat down on as they re-entered the room. Even Stoger was there! Something serious must have happened...

"So, moms," Lisa started, her serious expression slightly blurred by how much alcohol she had already consumed. "This terrible tragedy has just got worse. Nobody could have predicted this loss but all shall feel it. Not only because of the inherent lack of pilates but because of the loss of a friend. Diane is dead."

A shocked gasp spread through the room, several of the moms had to down their full glasses in grief. Brenda sat back in her chair. No more pilates? Diane... dead?!

"But Caroline," Lisa continued. "What did you want to tell us?"

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