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Life as a suburban mom is hard. Helen knew that, the recent divorce cases (yep, plural) had only proved it. She'd got out of the last one easily enough though. All it had taken was one, hard whack... But anyway, life was hard. She had money, sure, but it was hard. And now her pilates session had been cancelled. CANCELLED!

What was she going to do? Pilates was her life, pilates and wine. How could Diane do this to her? Diane, who had always ran her pilate sessions. Diane, who had always been so good at running them. Helen was sure that there had to be a reason. Something dodgy had gone on... something illegal... foulplay. No, that was just her imagination messing with her. And maybe some of that stuff that Lisa grew in her attic... Yeah, she really needed to stop taking it on their regular wine drinking nights. Thinking about it, Caroline did too. That fit that she'd had last time had been crazy. She hadn't even been able to complete the pilates session afterwards.

Helen remembered all those good times. Like when the other moms and her had drunk two bottles of wine each. That had been funny. Then there had been that time when she'd divorced Tim (her second husband) and managed to keep the kids, the house and most the money. Yes, that had been quality. To be honest, disposing of her first had been exciting as well. Even better when the police had dropped the case. Smiling to herself, she got out the car, shutting the door behind her. Damn, she thought to herself, I really need a new car. And maybe a new husband. She should talk to Cathy about that. No, she should make sure Cathy knew about the pilates disaster. 

She made her way inside, pulling a face at her pilates equipment as she passed. Taking out her phone, she scrolled to Cathy's contact and hit call.

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