A Snow so Special

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Author's Note: I am so sorry that I missed last time's chapter! I have so much going on rn, that I keep forgetting. I hope this chapter makes it up ;-; Alsooo I noticed we hit 500+ reads!!!! I can't believe I've reached so many people in such a short amount of time!! It really makes me happy! Enjoy<3

Percy's POV:

       Its been a couple of weeks after the wedding and its been pretty great. Its amazing to finally have a father figure, since I never really had one. Its winter break now, and its surprising that New York did not have it's first snow yet. Today was the day Mom and Paul were leaving for their honeymoon. I stood in the doorway waving them goodbye as they sped off to their vacation in the Bahamas. Since it was going to be just me for the next week, I decided to get comfy and enjoy my winter break. I started it off by watching every sea related movie I like, and drank hot cocoa. But, it soon got boring because I hate sitting around doing nothing. I decided to hit up my friends, and see if anybody wanted to do their Christmas shopping together.

Percy: Jasonnnn, wanna go christmas shopping together?

Jason: Sorry Perce, Thalia is finally back from college, I wanna spend time with her.

Percy: no worries :)

Well that was a fail. So next I decided to text Leo.

Percy: Up for christmas shopping?

Leo: i would love to..but gotta spend time with my mom, since I've been so busy with Will

Percy: its fine..have fun

This is not going well..let me try one more person.

Percy: Wanna go christmas shopping with me..?

Nico: sure, I have nothing better to do


Percy: great I'll pick you up

   And there the conversation ended. I got ready, and drove over to Nico's house, and while on the way there I noticed grey clouds filling the remaining of the sky. I went over and knocked on Nico's door, when Hazel opened it and gave me a smile. She told me to wait in the living room, and I did for a few minutes, when Nico came out of the hallway leading to his room. "Lets go?" He asked with a smile. We both went out of the house and into my mom's old car, and as we drove to the mall, I couldn't help but look at Nico from time to time. My feelings were getting stronger, and I could not deny them at all now. We made it to the mall in about 20 minutes, since there was not much traffic, and we made our way inside. We first started shopping for Paul and Nico's dad, and we went into a men's apparel store. Nico bought his dad some expensive cologne and I decided to get Paul an antique-looking pocket watch. 

      Next, we made our way to Nordstorm, where Nico picked out a pink trench coat for Hazel, and I could not find anything that my mom would like. We decided to stop at the food court since we were getting hungry. "What would you like to eat?" I ask Nico. "I'm okay with anything," he replied, but I saw him looking towards McDonalds so I suggested it. We got our food, Nico got a Happy Meal, and I got fries and a chicken burger. We talked and laughed all throughout the little break we took and it was really fun. We decided to start shopping again, when a blue colored shop caught my eye. It was a candy store, and I know my mom loves candy, and blue things so whats better? I got a pound of blue candy, all the ones that mom liked, like blue gummy worms, blue bubble gum, blue gummy bears and many more. After we  were done shopping we made our way out of the mall and were shocked to see that it was snowing!

Nico's POV:

    They say that the one you share the first snow of the year with will be your true love...maybe I had found mine. We got into Percy's car and drove back to his house, since he insisted that I stay for dinner. I went into the bathroom to take a shower, since it was super cold outside and Percy wanted me to stay warm. After I was done, I made my way into the living room where I saw two steaming mugs of hot cocoa on the table and blankets on the couch. "Come on Neeks, lets watch something!" Percy exclaimed excited. Its almost like he is a little boy sometimes...I flopped onto the couch next to him as we chose a show to watch. We settled on the Walking Dead because Percy liked it as well, since I showed it to him in the camping trip. We were watching for a while when I noticed Percy looking at me. "What?" I asked. "N-nothing," Percy said gluing his eyes back to the tv. But I could tell that he kept glancing at me from time to time. 

     The episode we were watching ended, but Percy did not move it to the next one, instead he came closer to me and kissed me. I kissed back and soon he was topping me on the couch, but just as we were getting more into it, the doorbell rang. Stupid doorbell...Turns out Percy had ordered pizza while I was showering. We ate pizza and talked, and laughed as we watched the movie. It was nice..having someone that cares...Since mom and Bianca died I never really had someone who fully understood me. Now don't get me wrong, Hazel does a great job of understanding me and so does Dad, but no one really knows the true me. They also say that the wishes made on first snow of the year comes true..I hope mine does...


Author's Note: Sorry again guys! The idea for this chapter came on the day that I missed the update and I wanted to make the chapter good so here you go! Cya next chapter!

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