Day Out

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Author's Note: Hey guys sorry if this chapter is late, I've just moved and have a bunch of school work so I may publish this a little later. But enjoy<3.

Percy POV:

Over the last few weeks me and Nico have been getting way closer than before. We sat together in History now, and always sat beside each other at lunch. It was nice being with Nico...he was super nice and very funny when you get to know him. We got an A on our semester project, because Chiron loved our rap on the Olympians. It was a sunny day in New York, when I got a text from Nico.

Nico: Hey Percy, I got 3 tickets to the fair, wanna come?

Percy: Oh sure, who is the third person?

Nico: uhhh...I could ask one of the Stoll twins

Percy: Sure, what time?

Nico: how about 4:30?

Percy: Sure, i'll pick you and stoll up

I am so excited to spend the day with Nico! We could go on the ferris wheel, haunted house, rollercoaster, and so much more!! It was 11:00 am already so I went and took a shower. I did my homework for a little while until Jason called me. "Hey Percy, you have any plans today?" he said.

"Yeah, I'm going out with Nico and one of the Stoll twins, you?" I replied.

"You guys have been getting awfully close lately.." Jason said, "Something up with yall?"

"Oh shut up Grace, we're just friends." I said playfully.

But were we...? The question had me thinking but then my mom needed help getting groceries so I ended the call with Jason, and went to help her.


It was 4:04 PM now so I decided to get dressed, I decided to wear a blue button up shirt, with jeans and a jacket. I say goodbye to my mom and get in the car to pick up Nico. I get there in a short time, and park the car. Just as I was about to knock the door, I see Nico coming out of the house with Travis. He was wearing a shirt with a skull on it and black jeans, with an aviator jacket in his hands. He looked cute. Very cute.

"Hey guys," I say, "You guys ready? Do you have everything?"

"Yes yes Jackson, lets get on the road already." Travis says.

We got in the car, and I was driving, while Nico sat shotgun. Travis sat in the back playing games on his phone. We were just talking about school and music and by the time we knew it, we were at the fair. The smell of food filled the air making my stomach grumble. We bought some tickets to play games and Travis split up from the group to go get us some food. Me and Nico made our way to the milk bottle game.

"Step right up and test your luck at the milk bottle game!" said the game vendor cheerfully.

I noticed Nico looking at a big dog plushie so I decide to have a shot at the game. "What is the rules of the game?" I ask the game vendor.

She replies, "You have three chances to knock over the bottles, the higher it is, the better the prize!"

I hand her the tickets and take a shot at the game, I was aiming for the highest one. The first try was a fail, the bottle did not fall, and second try was also a fail. But, on the third one I was determined to get Nico that plush toy. I threw the ball at the bottle, and it knocked it over. Nico was smiling, which made me happy. The vendor asks, "Which toy would you like, young man?" 

"The big dog please." I reply, pointing to the big black dog. The vendor hands me the dog just as Travis returns with ice cream and cotton candy in his hand. I hand the dog to Nico and say, "You looked like you wanted it, so here have it." I say smiling.

His eyes light up and he says, "Oh you didn't have to...but thank you Percy!"

We spend more time playing games and eating, when we see the haunted house in the distance. "Lets go there!" Nico says.

"Oh yes! That will be super fun." Travis says after him.

"Oh uh- guys are you sure..?" I say concerned. Yes I admit, I'm afraid of creepy stuff. Don't judge me okay?!

"Scared there Jackson?" Travis says smirking.

"Of-Of course not!" I say trying not to stutter.

"Here I'll come with you Percy," Nico offers, "And Travis you can come with us too."

We get in line for the haunted house, and soon it was our turn to go in. We three make our way inside. It was dark, we could see but there was barely any light. 

"Hey this isn't so bad-AHHHHH" I scream being scared by a person in a scare mask. I jump and hug Nico. When I realize what I was doing I quickly get off, trying not to show my red face to Nico or Travis. We quickly make our way out of the haunted house and make our way towards the car.

I realize that Nico was shivering, and was about to offer my jacket when I see Travis put his own jacket around him. Nico looks at him and gives him a smile. Something inside me just made me so mad. I felt enraged that I could not give Nico my jacket...I felt jealousy. So I did something stupid. I went over and put my hands around Nico. 

"W-What are you doing Percy?" Nico says stuttering.

"Warming you up..What else?" I say back.

A blush creeps onto Nico's face. We make our way back to the car and drive back to Manhattan. I drop off Travis at his house and make my way to drop off Nico.

"Nico?" I say.

"Hm?" He replies.

"Thanks for today."

"Anytime Jackson." He says back.

"Could we maybe next time go somewhere...just us two?" I ask.

"Oh...sure..I'd like that." Nico says smiling.

I drop Nico off at his house, and say goodbye and drive off. All the way back home I questioned myself...What did Nico mean to me?


Author's Note: Hey guys! This chapter was longer than usual, so I hope you liked it! This chapter was so cute omg!! The big moment is coming soon so watch outtt! And see you next chapter! 

P.S. Nico forgot his jacket in the car, so thats why he was shivering.

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