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Author's Note: What is a story without a love-triangle? So uh here ya go! (don't worry, pernico is my otp so they will end up together)

Percy's POV: 

Its been a while since I talked to Nico. Two weeks exactly. I did not know how to respond after that kiss, heck I don't even know if he meant it. What if he just did it because he was drunk? The truth is I did not want to know. To avoid this I went back to sitting with Jason and the others since me and Annabeth were on talking terms again, it was nice being back but not the same. But because of this break..Miss Rachel Elizabeth Dare waltzed into my life. 

Mom had signed me up for art classes since I had not been getting out much, and that is where I met Rachel. Rachel was my partner in the art project, and she was super nice. We had been hanging out out of classes as well. 

Today was Monday, my least favorite day. I got my and go ready for school. Mom was sick so I made her some soup and made my way to the bus stop. The bus came early, and I got on and talked to Jason and Leo about school and other things. After we arrived at school, I made my way to my locker and put my things inside. I saw Nico talking to Will, and he noticed me too, but looked away instantly. Maybe I was messing things up? Math, and English passed by pretty quickly but in History a surprise was waiting for me.

I walked into History where Chiron was at the front of the room next to Rachel? She waved at me as I took a seat. "Hello class settle down." Chiron said as more people came into the room. "Today we have a new student joining us, say hello to Miss Rachel Elizabeth Dare." Everyone said hello and Chiron seated Rachel next to me. 

"Percy!" Rachel said as she hugged me.

"Hey Rachel, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well since I did not like anybody in my old school, I decided why not move to yours!" She said happily.

"Well I'm glad you're here." I said smiling at her.

Nico's POV: 

I watch as Chiron introduces the new girl. She waves at Percy. Does he know her? Chiron introduces her as "Rachel Elizabeth Dare." I watch as she takes a seat next to Percy, and they talk for a while, but the she hugs him. My heart deflates as I think of all the possibilities. What if they're dating? What if Percy was drunk when he kissed back? But the thoughts disappear as we get worksheets about our Greek life assignment. Class ends early, so most of the class just stayed and hung out or went to their lockers. I went over to the new girl and said, "Hello."

She turned and looked at me and said, "Hi! I'm Rachel." 

"Hello I'm Nico." I replied

Percy lifted an eyebrow, like he was asking, "what are you doing?" 

"Welcome to the school Rachel." I said, "Jackson sit with me this lunch." And I then I left and went to my next class. 

Percy's POV:

What just happened? Why would NICO talk to another person he doesn't even know? But, he was scary when he was mad so I decided to sit with him at lunch today. After History I had English, but it passed quickly and it was lunchtime. I walked over to lunch where I spotted Rachel, I waved her over to the table and she sat next to me. Nico came shortly after and sat on the other side of me, next to Travis.

"Everyone this is Rachel." I say, as Rachel waves at them.

"Hello I'm Will." Says Will with his huge smile.

"Sup' I'm Leo, Will's boyfriend" Says Leo winking.

"Clarisse." says Clarisse, eating.

"Travis and Connor." Say the Stoll Twins.

"Nice to meet you all!" Rachel says smiling.

"So, how do you know Percy?" Asks Leo.

"We have an after-school class together." I say eating my waffle (a/n yes ik no one eats waffles, but its Percy)

"Yep! We met there and have been great friends ever since." Rachel says hugging me. Which makes Will give me a look. 

Nico's POV:

THIS GIRL HAS THE AUDACITY TO TOUCH MY PERCY. But I try to hide my jealousy by talking to Travis, and ignoring them. But, then enough is enough when she feeds Percy some grapes. Two can play at that game. I walk out of my seat, get behind Travis and back hug him.

Percy's POV: 

I laugh talking to Rachel and Leo, when I notice Nico getting out of his seat. Intrigued, I watch what he does, but am surprised when he goes and hugs Travis. I feel my blood boil, but I stay quiet. I decide to talk to Nico after school.

Percy: Meet me in the parking lot after school.

Nico: Why?

Percy: need to talk

Nico: alright


Author's Note: Things about to get heated...not in a good way...see you next chapter luvs!

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