Be Mine?

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Author's Note: Hiii!! How is everyone? I hope everything is great with you guys. I've come up with a few different pernico/perico stories but am confused on which one to do. I'll share them soon with you guys, and you can choose. But finally here is the moment...Enjoy<3

Nico's POV: 

      Soon after the party, everyone left, and Percy stayed behind to help clean. We cleaned the dining room and the wrapping paper in the living room. Percy said that he had yet another gift for me, but he said he wanted to show it to me in my room. We went in the room, and sat on the bed, but Percy seemed to be very nervous, he fidgeted with the buttons on his shirt. I decided to lighten the mood so I said, "The puppy is a great gift Percy, you shouldn't have gotten another one.." 

"No no..this is for a different reason.." Percy replied.

I arched my eyebrow in confusion, "And that it..?" 

     But Percy diverted the topic by talking about the weather. "Percy stop, what is it?" I asked. Percy sighed and put his hand in my pocket, and pulled out a box. "Here," He said handing me the small velvet box, "its a promise ring.." Percy trailed off. I opened the box to find a silver ring, shaped like a skull. "Whats the promise?" I asked. "To be mine." Percy replied looking into my eyes. For a second I was speechless, did Percy Jackson just ask me out? Did that just happen? "Pinch me." I said at a loss for words. Instead I got something better, Percy kissed me softly, and asked me again, "So whats your answer?" 

"Yes, its a yes Perseus." I said smiling.

Percy's POV: 

     He said yes. HE SAID YES! I pulled Nico into hug but we ended up falling backward and onto Nico's bed. Mrs.O'Leary jumped into the bed with us, and started to lick our faces. We giggled and laughed and played with her for a while. After a little bit, she got tired, and fell asleep on Nico's bed. "So Mister Boyfriend, what shall we do now?" I asked, which made Nico blush at the mention of 'boyfriend.' We decided to watch a movie, but soon it turned into just us staring at each other, which soon led to us kissing. It was 7:32 pm, so I decided to leave, so that I can have dinner with my parents. "You're leaving already?" Nico asked pouting. "Yes, my dear boyfriend, but I'll see you tomorrow at school." I say giving Nico one last kiss. 

    I got home pretty quickly since I took the subway instead, Mom opened the door and asked, "So how was the party?" I took off my shoes and replied, "It went great Nico loved the puppy and my thing went well." 

"Oooo so what was it?" 

"I have a boyfriend." 

"Congrats sweetie! I am super happy for you, and I hope I get to meet him soon." Mom said smiling and pulling me into a hug. 

"Yeah of course, could we maybe have them over for dinner one day?" I ask.

"Mhm! I'd love to get to know him and his family well, who knows what will happen in the future." Mom said playfully

*timeskip* (a/n cuz why not?)

       The next day I got dressed quickly, and decided to go early to school to spend time with Nico before classes started. I took the car instead of the bus, like I normally do, and traffic was not much which is surprising. I made my way to the school and parked my car, and walked into the school. Nico was not there yet, so I decided to get some work done in the meantime. Nico came about 15 minutes after, and we were talking for a while. We were in the middle of the conversation when I noticed a boy out of the corner of my eye, looking at Nico lovesick. This is one of those times when I get a dumb ideas. To mark whats mine, I pinned Nico to the locker and kissed in. In the hall. Where there were already a bunch of people. People whispered and chatted but I didn't care. They had to know that Nico was with me. We separated ways after a little since we had different homerooms.


Author's Note: So did you like it???? Hope you guys did! I'm going to do a late Valentines episode soon so look out for that! See you next chapter! Adieu~

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