The Tattoo

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Brooklyn’s P.O.V.

“Does it hurt?” I asked Zayn as the needle started to make the design he had requested. We were in a tattoo parlor in downtown where Zayn was finally getting his sleeve finished.

“Not if I don’t think about it,” he answered giving me a warm smile which I returned.

"Mine's did," I said loking down at my wrists."

Zayn had been rather nice these past few days. Maybe because there was only one week left until the wedding and he was hoping I wasn’t going to run off.

“I better get an invitation to the wedding,” said Dean, the tattoo artist.

“Of course,” I answered.

I looked as the design was almost finished.

“Hmmm, It almost makes me want another one,” I murmured.

“Like you would get one, Brooke…” Zayn said in a teasing tone.

"I already have the birds!"I scoffed. “You dare me?” I asked him.

He opened one of his eyes and shook his head. “Nope, because I know that if I do then you WILL get it and I don’t thing I feel so good with my fiancé tatted up.”

I cocked my head to the side,” Don’t you think it’s a bit hypocritical?”

“Maybe,” He shrugged.

“Zayn don’t move. I’m gonna fuck up if you do,” Dean warned.

“Sorry, man,” Zayn said.

“Well since you don’t want me to get it-“I started saying.

“I don’t” He said.

“I’m going to get it.”

“Fine. Your body,” Zayn said. I could tell he didn’t want to argue with just by the tone in his voice.

“Done,” Dean announced.

I looked over at Zayn’s arm. It looked amazing.  The skull and what looked like smoke looked amazing,  it was still a bit red  but overall it looked awesome on his arm.

“You getting one?” Dean asked me.

I snuck a quick glance at Zayn who was getting up on the chair. Just to bug him I decided I was going to get it.

“Yup!” I said. I had a fun time looking at Zayn’s head snap up to glare at me.

“Well have a seat,” Dean gestured to the seat Zayn had been sitting on. I sat down and smiled.

The Arrangement. (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now