love and lies

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Derek's POV

Waking up to Spencer never felt so right. I woke up before him and just laid there while staring at him. I have never felt this way about anyone. I tumbled out of bed, got ready for the day and headed towards the kitchen. I decided to order something quick for Spencer because the case briefing will probably start soon. I was waiting on new updates about the case so I just hung around the living room. JJ called me last night and we covered most of the details but we will probably get called in today.

My phone started to ring mid-thought. It was Hotch, meaning that we definitely had to come in. I picked it up.

"Hey. Are you ready for us, boss?"

"Yes. Come in as soon as possible."


I figured that there might not be enough time for me to get anything for our breakfast, so we could always just get something at the office instead. I quickly went back to the bedroom and shook Reid awake. "Huh?" He groaned. "We've gotta get moving." I said, slipping on a jacket. "Fine." He grumbled as he rubbed his eye and got up.

I went back into the living room to gather the last of my things and wait for Reid to get ready. He came out a little later, brushing down his messy hair with his fingers and pulling it back behind his ears. I loved it when he did that, it was adorable. He swung his satchel around his shoulder and gave me a thumbs up.

"You're already done?" I asked.

"Yeah. I already showered early this morning, so I'm all set."

I nodded. "Alright then, let's go."

We headed out of his apartment and drove down to the headquarters in our separate cars so we wouldn't seem as suspicious to the rest of the team. When we arrived, I let him go inside a little bit earlier than me so we wouldn't get there at the exact same time. I then followed him in from a distance.

Once we were all situated at the round table in the conference room, I shot Reid a look from across the table, but I don't think he noticed. He was too busy texting someone on his phone. Who could he be texting this early in the morning?

"Okay, my friends, this is a yucky one. Four single men have been found in their houses—stabbed to death, with large strangulation marks. They've also all been identified with signs of sexual assault." Garcia prompted.

"From a female?" Rossi intervened.

"No, actually, another male."

"This could somehow link to the unsubs personal struggles with his sexuality, maybe." JJ said.

"Yeah, that's likely. We should expand more on that idea." Hotch remarked.

I pushed my chair farther from the table. "You know, it could also be a form of hate crime, like a way to mock the victims." I said.

Most of the team nodded, switching their attention towards Reid who still had his eyes glued to his phone, texting.

"Everything okay, Reid?" Hotch asked.

He quickly looked up and around. "Yeah, yeah, sorry."

Hotch stood up from his seat and closed the file that he held. "Wheels up in 20." He said as he headed out the door, followed by the rest of the team.

I waited for Reid, but despite being called out, his attention was still drawn to his phone. What could be so important? I decided to ask him out of curiosity.

"Hey, pretty boy, what are you doing?"

His eyes darted towards me as he turned off his phone and shoved it into his bag. "Uh, nothing, just dealing with some things for my mom."

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