the confession

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Spencer's POV:

When the night rolled around, I started to get ready to head out to the bar that Morgan recommended we go to. Clubs aren't really my thing, but things had been so overwhelming lately that maybe the best thing to do would be to just talk to him. I had been avoiding him since our last fling, but it's obvious that he has some of the same feelings for me that I have for him. I was craving him, too, so I honestly couldn't wait to see him again. Maybe it would be good for us.

Once I put on a more laid back outfit with a button-up shirt, sleeves rolled up, and some usual work pants, I got into my car and started to drive to the bar. It was a pretty quick drive, so I found myself already turning into the parking lot in under ten minutes. It was a small looking place, but there were quite a few other cars parked around. It was a Friday night, after all.

I parked my car and looked in the rear view mirror to fix up my hair, before opening the door and starting to walk inside. Almost immediately after the door shut behind me, I could hear Morgan yelling from the barstools across the room.

"Hey, pretty Ricky!"

I smiled and walked over to him. He was wearing a casual t-shirt and some loose jeans. Maybe I had dressed a little too formal, but I didn't have many other choices.

"Hey," I said as I stuck my hands into my pockets.

He turned to the bartender and ordered some tequila shots for us. He passed me one out of the many that sat on the bar-table. I slowly sipped it, watching him gulp down two at a time as if it was nothing. He was obviously experienced with this. "You should slow down," I chuckled, and he shook his head in response.

Morgan placed down his second empty glass in front of him, as I was still working on my first. "So, you know why I invited you here, right?" He asked.

"Um, I suppose it's because we need to talk about what happened last week."

He nodded and started to whisper. "What do you think about it?"

I sighed and sipped down the rest of my first shot, and Morgan signaled the bartender to bring a few more. "I, um, it was unprofessional," I mumbled.

"Kid... did you like it, though?"

I didn't answer him this time. I didn't just like it, I loved it. But I didn't want to say the wrong thing incase he was thinking a different way. I picked up another shot and chugged it down. Morgan laughed as I started to get a little bit dizzy, but it felt good. "You're getting the hang of it," he assured.

Derek's POV:

Reid was refusing to answer my questions, which was pissing me off, but maybe he just needed to get a little more relaxed before he felt ready.

We sat at the barstools for a while, drinking more and more shots as the night went on without saying a word to each other. I could tell that he was almost ready to pass out, but I wouldn't let him. I had barely ever seen him tipsy like this.

I had to use the restroom, but I'll admit that I was a little nervous to leave him alone like that. I let him know that I would be right back and jogged over to the men's room. As I unzipped my fly, I noticed that I had started to get hard again. Why did Reid always turn me on when he was wasn't even doing anything? I started to slowly stroke it when I heard Reid start talking from the outside of the door. I tried to think of things other than him as I took a quick piss and zipped my pants back up, hurrying out of the bathroom. That's when I saw a girl around Reid's age trying to hit him up at the bar. He took her hand and started to head towards the door when I went up to him and took his hand so they would disconnect from each other.

"And who are you?" She snarled.

"I'm with him, and he's not going anywhere." I retorted. She rolled her eyes and started walking off.

I grabbed Reid's arm and pulled him back to face me as he started to wander off. "What was that?" I asked with concern. "She, she said she wanted to have sex—so I went—with her," He slurred, tipping back and forth from underneath my grip.

I figured that it was time to bring him home, considering that he had already had about five shots and was already starting to follow around random hook-ups.

"Reid, I'll take you home, alright?"

He nodded as I started to walk him towards the door, him trying his best to not trip along the way. Once we got to my car, I put him in the backseat and started to drive to my place. He was already out by the time I pulled into the garage, so when I stopped the car had to shake him back awake. He started whining my name as I helped him out of the door, his hands squeezing my arms tightly. "Morgan, Morgan," he stammered. His face was close to mine, and I could smell his alcohol breathe. It was weird to see him so wasted, but it was almost refreshing that he was letting himself loose for once.

"What?" I asked, before realizing that I had left his car at the bar. "Oh, I'll get someone from the team to drive your car back, don't worry,"

"No," Reid said as he leaned against the front of my car, still facing me. "I need to tell you—something," he slurred again. "I need to get you inside, kid, just tell me later—"

"I really love you, Morgan."

My eyes widened in surprise when those words came out of his mouth. I knew that he was really drunk, but sometimes being drunk can make you confess what you really feel. We have hooked up before, but, I didn't even consider that he actually may have feelings for me.

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