Retreat 3

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You entered the school with Ivaan and a slight smile on your face. You entered the building and held Ivaan's arms lightly. He knew something was wrong but now your behavior proved his point. He looked in your direction. He saw you scared to look around but still trying to do so. He was saddened by your state. 

Nischay was coming your way at a slow pace. He spared you a glance and just couldn't go near you. He kept his distance from you and watched you coming along with a new student. It made him a little jealous that you were holding his arms. Your eyes met his for a split second but you quickly looked the other way. Nischay looked away from you in guilt. 

A few years later***

You were enjoying the view in front of your eyes. A cold breeze hit your face and the environment was chilly. You were enjoying the moment. Then somebody came and sat beside you. You knew who it was. 

???: This reminds us of our old days, doesn't it??

Y/n: Yeah... Those moments were beautiful. It a sorrow that it didn't last long. 

???: It's truly sad that it didn't last long... I hope that boy doesn't repeat the same mistakes I did.

Y/n: You still remember that day right, Nischay??

Nischay: I can never forget it...

Y/n: Me too... That day is permanently stamped onto my brain. But all things aside, It's good that I don't have any regrets of the past...

Nischay: At least you don't... My heart still hurts remembering the past...

Y/n: Don't be like that, Nischay. You will get over me pretty soon...

Nischay: It's been 3 years... But my feelings for you are just growing they never decrease. No matter how hard I try... The pain is still there... And the never-ending love towards you...

Y/n: It's alright!!! You can love me like a friend...Or like a best friend... maybe??

Nischay: (soft yet painful smile) I guess...

Y/n: Let's not talk about that now!! Look they are leaving!!!

Nischay: Yeah... They are leaving... together...

Y/n: I envy them... They are so cute!!!

Nischay: I think so too...

(You stood up from the bench)

Y/n: I'll get going now...

Nischay: I think I'll spend some more time here alone.

You hummed in response and left the place. 

What exactly happened "that day"??

* "that" Day***

You were walking down the hallway while humming a song. Suddenly two figures appear in front of you. You look up at them and raised an eyebrow. They both knelt down with a Dahlia with them. You guessed they were from the picnic your school had the day before. There were truly amazing flowers. 

You had no idea what the two guys were doing. Just as you were about to open your mouth and utter some words, one of the guys spoke.

???: Y/n... I'm here to confess my feeling to you... will you be mine??

You were really confused and shocked by the confession. 

Y/n: Ivaan, What are you saying??

Everyone was gathering around the three of you. You were embarrassed. You didn't like to be the center of attention.

???: No, y/n. Be mine. I know you still love me the way you did before.

Y/n: N-Nichay...?? 

You couldn't process what was happening. You grabbed them both and made them stand. You pulled both of them to the rooftop. 

You three had a long discussion. You sighed before leaving and smiled at them. 




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