Little moments 2

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When we started playfully flirting, some part of us was convinced that its wasn't just "playfully". Thats was made it even better. Knowing the other person has feelings too is something really magical. The butterflies inside your stomach, the warm feeling you have seeing their smile are too pleasing. You should enjoythose times while it lasts.

I was walking towards my classroom when I heard a familiar voice from behind. I froze at my place being nervous. I looked behind just to see him coming my way. " Y/n! wait for me..!" Nischay came towards you with the cutest smile possible. How can one not fall in love with him? "Good morning!" he said as cheerfully as ever, causing my heart to be filled with warmth. "Good morning" I smiled at him.

He's changed a lot from before. He used to be so cold and cut off from people. Now, he seems so much more happy and cheerful. I wanna cherish the moments i have with him fully and whole heartedly.

I was sitting quietly on my place when the bell rang alerting the students that the break was over now. People started returning to their classes. I saw everyone entering the classroom. Someone put their hand on my desk lightly, chatching my attention. I looked at his face and looked back at my desk. I saw a chocolate there. A smile quickly appeared on my face. He knows like chocolate. "Ahhhhhhhh! My heart can't take this much cuteness!!!!" I screamed internally. I looked behind at his desk and he was looking at me which made my heart flutter. I smiled brightly and whispered a "Thank you..." to him. He got shy and looked down at the floor which caused me to giggle a little.

Maybe I'll never get enough of him...

End of part 2

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