Little moments 4

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When it comes to our feeling, we seem to be rather confused. Not just a little bit, a lot. Constant reassurance is also not enough at times. We need to be reminded again and again if people love us or not. They didn't say it directly, maybe it was a joke, maybe they already lost feelings, and numerious other thoughts fill up our minds. But sometimes, the eyes tell everything inside ones mind.

Y/n P.O.V.

The teacher was very angry at us today. We are know as the troublesome class by most of the teachers. One of the strict teachers ordered us to put our heads down on our desks and maintain silence in the class. Everybody did as they were told. I got bored by that so I decided to take a nap.

I was having a dream when i heard my name being called and i felt a touch on ur head.

"Y/n... wake up." the person said slightly patting my head.

I slowly opened my eyes and was caught off guard. Nischay was just 3 inches away from my face. I looked at his eyes. His eyes were shiny like pearls and somehow calming. Anyone could get lost in those eyes. But I knew, it was only meant for me to get lost in those beautiful and loving eyes. We stared at each others eyes for a while. Millions of question were running inside my mind but his eyes gave me answer to all of them.

I realised whatwas happening and quickly looked away.

Another day of being a blushing mess again.

End of part 4...

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