Chapter One

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Twinned with the book 'Life on Mars' by Michael J Dawson - These books are simultaneously published and can be read in either order, individually or together for a different experience.

References and codes are within the text, some in plain sight, many buried deep. There's no map or compass, yet readers have diligently uncovered them.

Twin books are a unique concept and if we ever meet, ask me about the dreams.

Michael J Dawson

Thinking of a trip to Mars? Don't forget your own LAZARUS brochure at or the link below.

"The future influences the present just as much as the past."

Author of "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" 1883

Chapter One

He wasn't wearing clothes; he was wearing more of what might be called a costume. The costume of a commonplace organic man around any part of the city, maybe going about an unexceptional errand or two. If anyone cared to think about it, then they would most likely conclude his journey to be relatively innocuous. Certainly, nothing that would present any serious risk to life or limb. Perhaps he might be heading up to the edges of Heathen City to spend time in reality with organic acquaintances. 

He didn't give the impression of a man who this very evening, would be going to Mars with a group of complete strangers. Not a virtual world escapade but in reality itself, exposing himself to all its dangers, instead of some shleps virtual reality mission. He leaned forward as he walked, fists clenched and knuckles facing forward, his powerful arms swinging in step. 

His case slung over his shoulder hung tight against his hip, Commander Theodore Maxtor was an imposing character with a greying beard and even greyer unkempt hair. Brown tired eyes were almost hidden by the overhanging eyebrow foliage made to look darker by his rugged eye line and wrinkled ashen skin.

Augmented reality advertisements to his left fought for his attention. He continued undeterred by the three-dimensional images moving in his peripheral vision. To his right, a wall of glass allowed a panoramic view of large and small mag craft taxiing in and out of their gates. He could see what must be the tail of the shuttle ahead, busy for the last couple of days ferrying general passengers into orbit. Maxtor and his team would be the last human cargo to be ferried up to the Lazarus as she hung patiently in space above them. 

He grabbed a handrail with his right hand, swinging himself around onto a single-story stairwell leading down to ground level. Drone crews were busying themselves with refuelling and maintenance tasks. The human pilot was standing at the top of the lowered walkway up to the ship. It was a sleek looking passenger vessel with a stub nose and disproportionately large engines, built into the rear end of the body. He felt a blast of heat in his face from the tarmac as he approached. The outer edges of its chrome-coloured skin were stained and marked with black dust; the wipers had created a clean arc across the filthy windscreen. The commander skipped up the stairwell leading to an open door and was met by the human pilot at the top. He offered a toothy grin from his weathered face and tapped his forehead in greeting.

"Commander Maxtor?" He said by way of a question as he took an involuntary glance down at his attire.

"Yeah," said the commander defiantly.

"You and your crew are the only passengers on this one, sir. If you make your way down the cabin, you can use the private class facilities. You'll find it much more comfortable." He waved a hand pointing between the rows of empty seats.

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