Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Zayn's point of view

That morning, Zayn managed to talk Harry into swapping rooms with him. Harry looked suspicious, wondering why Zayn wanted to change rooms. But he eventually agreed when Zayn promised that they could change back at any time if Harry liked his new room less. Excellent.

Zayn's new room was right beside Niall and James'. Liam was on the other side of them, and Zayn knew there was no point in approaching Liam about swapping. Liam wouldn't agree to it. Worse, Liam would be able to work out why I wanted to swap. He'd tell me off for being dirty-minded. Which would be hypocritical of him, considering. He gets to sleep in a room next to them every night in London. Zayn had decided that if he couldn't have Perrie out here with him, he was at least going to have the next best thing.

He walked to breakfast, people's thoughts indicating to him exactly where that was. One advantage of telepathy is that I'm never lost. Zayn learned from people's thoughts that there was a second telepath present in the building. It'll be interesting to meet someone else like me. I wonder if he'll be training me? The telepath's own mind was shielded from Zayn so he couldn't tell. All their teachers seemed to be pretty good at shielding their own minds constantly, so most of what Zayn was picking up was coming from people who were here to learn to use their powers. Now that's a cool power, he thought, as he picked up on the thoughts of an nineteen year old girl who had a power called 'transmutation' and could make things change into other things. Most people weren't currently thinking about their powers though, so Zayn couldn't get a sense of what most of their powers were. He could sense that there were people with powers around him, of course, and he could sense differences that could in theory tell him what their powers were. Unfortunately Zayn had no idea how to match up those variations to the individual powers they might have. That will come with experience I suppose. Once I've learned what all the powers are and learned to match what I can sense to them, then I will be able to tell what people's powers are.

Niall was happily scoffing down his second plate of breakfast in the dining room, so Zayn grabbed a plate of food and sat down at the blond boy's otherwise empty table. “You'll make yourself sick by eating it so fast Niall,” Zayn said. “You need to actually chew each mouthful you know.”

Niall looked up frowning. “Izh awaays erked hine or nee ee or,” Niall said around his mouthful of food. It's a good thing I can read minds, Zayn thought, knowing that Niall had been trying to say 'It's always worked fine for me before.'”

Zayn paused, thoughtfully. “You know, maybe if you chewed your food into smaller pieces you'd fart less often? Maybe it's swallowing it down whole that gives you gas?” Niall grinned at him, shifted slightly on his seat, and then farted loudly. Niall looked at Zayn and giggled. Zayn tried to keep a straight face but he eventually cracked up too.

Louis' point of view

Louis was excited as they headed out to the practice area. There were three pyros staying at the facility currently, in addition to himself. Two of them were around his age, there to learn to use their powers. The third was their instructor. Ms Townley, as she had asked them to call her, was a brisk no-nonsense woman whose age Louis estimated at around 50. She was apparently a school-teacher who had volunteered to come help out here over her holidays. Gives a whole new meaning to calling your school head-mistress a 'dragon', thought Louis. This one can actually breathe fire, literally.

The other two pyro students walked beside Louis. One was a Chinese girl a year older than Louis who was going by the name Sonya, though he doubted it was her birth-name. She spoke English pretty well, though with a strong Chinese accent. The other was an Indian boy who looked around 18. His name was Hiren. His English was extremely bad, and the one conversation Louis had tried to have with him so far hadn't successfully conveyed much.

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