Chapter 7

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Dang grabs a carton and two spoons, then sits next to me, handing me a spoon and taking the frost coated lid off. I take a scoop and let it melt in my mouth, taking in the rich flavor... Still not as good as mom's cookies.

"You know what this reminds me of?" Fang said as he put his arm around my shoulders.

"Um, when I was nine and you stole my icecream so I put frogs in your bed?"

"No, our first date." he says, kissing my cheek "It's one of my favorite memories of us."

I felt heat rush to my face and could tell I was blushing, "I liked it too."

"What's your favorite?"

"You came back." I chocked out, feeling dull pain inside, "I was hurt when you left, but you came back."

"I'm here to stay this time." his face was serious as he pulled me into a tight hug, "I thought you'd be in danger, the real danger was leaving. Then Dylan tried to take my place." When he mentioned Dylan rage shined from his eyes coldly.

"He never took your place, and he never will."

"I think he's unstable. You need to promise me you'll be careful around him."

"I will and you know it. I can handle myself."

"Now help me eat this icecream before it melts." he says, clearly trying to stay away from the touchy topic.

"Fang, if you want to talk about anything you can. Even though it's hard, trust me."

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