the new age of maximum ride(chapter1)

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It beats loudly in my chest, causing shivers of warmth and cold to roam the inside of my body. A scary but wondrous feeling, spreading through me like a fire. We were safe, we ARE safe. No more pain, no heartache, no worries. My flock, my mother, and Ella are safe. Even Nino and the other hybrids are safe as well.

The world was in the process of ending, but we survived....was there a catch? Is there strings attached?

My mom ,Nino, Ella, and many of the other hybrids had survived in maxed out billion dollar luxury caves. I, on the other hand, was almost burned to a crisp when a meteor exploded near the earth's surface then almost drown by a tsunami while in a tree house.

If I weren't genetically advanced we would probably be up in hybrid heaven getting matching halos four our wings.

I had brushed death before, but it seems like nothing compared to what had just happened.

Dylan had flown around the remains of our ashy and drown paradise and found an entrance that wasn't flooded by water. It was a bit of a tight squeeze for our tall figures but it was no biggie. At least it wasn't one of those damn dog crates.

A new thought hit me, the whitecoats are all gone now. Is it so wrong im releaved at the death of the scientist who experimented on me?

I hope not, because im not going through the guilt trip crap.

"Max?" fang says, taking my hand in his.

"We should probably find my mom." I say as kids run past us in a game of tag, which might have been normal if one boy didn't have scaly skin and a girl didn't have the eyes and tail of a cat.

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